Sunday 31 January 2010

B.A.S (Brassiere Appreciation Society)

After a random afternoon nap i decided to kick-start my imagination by going for a brisk wander in the chilly twilight of Canters Barry. I left a note for Laura, put on a million layers including my Kent hoodie and set off down the road behind my house towards the massive playing field- after crossing the main road i realised something didn't feel quite right; i was walking along and i just felt kinda funny, like something was missing...
And something was. because i had forgotten to put my bra back on after my nap.
Now, as cool kid as this makes me sound- and let's face it, it does(n't)- i wouldn't normally admit to doing something like this on something as public as my blog, which is read by countless (read no) people, including my parents. However i feel the desperate urge to shout from the rooftops my new found respect for my bra.
See, i've always been slightly annoyed by them. they cost a hell of a lot of money (for someone with no money this is an issue) and i always accidentally ping my strap and smack myself with it, which whilst hilarious to the outside world is actually quite a painful experience. However, after having to use my arms as a kind of improvised bra whilst walking around today i totally respect and love all of my bras. After about 30 minutes my arms were CANING and my back really really hurt. when i got in i put my bra back on and it was almost like instant gratification in that my back stopped hurting and my arms were freed from their position as impromptu shelving. The actual structural design of a bra is far more complicated than i anticipated and i realised that i need to start appreciating my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder for what it is- ABSOLUTELY GENIUS.
So thank you, bras. You make my world a more thoroughly and efficiently supported place.


Anonymous said...

Good Girl! xxx

Jemma said...

Yay! Bras are where it's at.