Tuesday 9 June 2009


And so in roughly 9 hours and 13 minutes time the dreaded Romanticism exam will begin. I cannae really remember the last time i was this nervous about an exam. It probably doesn't help that i have to get up at 6:30, because like a complete retard i forgot to have a shower- How stupid is that? I mean, who forgets to clean?! I wish there were a way that people could just wake up clean. Or that i could have a nice relaxing bath. i'd rather have a bath then a shower. Much more cosy. Ok, i'm gonna stop talking about baths and showers now

I'm hoping i can blag my way through romanticism, but i really don't know. i know a lot of people have been saying "Oh i haven't revised that much" but seriously, when it comes to not revising much i am Queen. which is not something i'm proud of. I think more than anything i'm kinda disappointed with myself. my parents always told us "Just do your best-that's all you can do" but i haven't done my best. at all. and now, because i didn't work even half as hard as i should of i'm now freaking out, and i have absolutely no one to blame but myself. i'm such an idiot sometimes. i dunno what's wrong with me- i've never been work shy before. At A level i pretty much disappeared for the three months beforehand, just from revising. But this year? i dunno. next year has to be different. it will be, i'll make sure of that. I'm just really really disappointed with myself.

and now i'm going to try and at least get a little bit of shut-eye. tomorrow's going to be a very busy day, and the way i've worked it out the schedule only leaves about an hours worth of napping time- but i severely doubt i'll actually be able to nap anyway ^^ it'll become chillaxing time then. Come on Amy-Victoria; you'll be fine. just chillax. BREATHE WOMAN BREATHE!

Favourite conversation of the day;
Me: Hey dad- you know how our seminar leader said "Oh yeah, you can't write on the subjects you wrote on in your essays?" Turns out we actually can. which means i read Frankenstein for nowt. ANNOYED.
Dad: Well look at it this way- you read another book!


Night y'all. Good luck to everyone examining it up a treat tomorrow ^^


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