Tuesday 23 June 2009

I am not a fan of dogs.

See, this is why i prefer cats so much more to dogs.

our neighbours dogs have been barking now for about 3 hours- constantly. seriously, they have not let up. and he has 2 Alsatians and a Labrador; THESE ARE BLOODY LOUD DOGS. it's so annoying!!! Cats meow and riaow until you feed them, or fuss them and then they shut up!!!but dogs? oh no- dogs just don't stop.

AND my dad got bitten by a dog yesterday whilst on his postie round- the bloody thing has left puncture marks in the back of his legs. and the owner didn't even fucking care!! How ridiculous is that?! Dad said she just went "Oh no, don't do that" to the dog, but didn't come and get it- she just let it stand there biting my dad. stupid bitch. my dad's got all bite marks up his legs now, it's a joke.

I hate dog owners attitudes as well. they seem to get it into their heads that if their dog attacks you it's somehow your fault- a few years ago on my way to school i was walking past a man who was walking his dog and the dog suddenly went for and got hold of the sleeve of my jacket and started yanking at my sleeve and growling- i was terrified!! and then the bloke, once he'd gotten the dog to let go of me, had the nerve to say "Well, you shouldn't have walked so close to him- he tends to bite people" to which i replied "And you should have a muzzle on him, if you know he bites!How am i supposed to know he bites?! Read his mind?!" and he stood there going "It's not my fault" . Well i can't see how it was mine!! Oh, no, wait- i forgot; It's a cardinal rule that if you see a dog being walked you're not supposed to walk past it, you have to lie out a red carpet for it's owner and then wear and suit of steel so as not to come to harm. Utter Wanker.

Another thing that annoys me is when owners defend their dogs jumping up at people when they see them- i don't care how 'happy' he is to see me, he's knocking me the fuck over!! and i don't want some slobbering massive dog in my face!! they never call them off, they just stand their laughing. i just feel like getting some really wound up raccoon and just launching at them saying "Oh look- he likes you!!" whilst they get covered in scratches and raccoon-ness. dunno where i'd get a raccoon though. Particularly a wound up one- they seem pretty chill all the time...

I know that dogs can be lovely- guide dogs are the tits, lets face it. you give a blind person a cat and the cat would watch as they stumbled into a busy road before walking away to find someone to either fuss them or feed them. but you know- the good dogs can't shoulder the responsibility of their kind all their lives. Plus a lot of the time it's not particularly the dogs fault, but their pathetic owners. But all the same, i'm just not a fan. which is a shame really, because when i was a baby we had a dog called Sam, who was my dad's German Shepperd dog he'd had since he lived in London, and Dad said that we were inseparable, and Sam was really protective of me- but he was put down when i was 3, so i cant remember him at all. the photos of him and me make me smile though.

But still- idiot dogs. Stupid idiot owners.

Ok, rant over ^^

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