Monday 8 June 2009

I have a semi (live blog)

07/06/2009 The Library

Arrgh nooo. Revision. I'm in the library at the mo, catching up with Cixous and Wollstonecraft. It's so much fun i can hardly contain my emotion. I came here with Connie, Emma & Charlotte but they all went to a computer section- i have too many books (NERD) so i can't. I'm sitting in the silent section where the English books are- I DON'T LIKE IT. I usually go on the third floor to the HUGE silent section. i wish i had, the chairs here are so retarded- the seats lean backwards and the backs curve- WHAT KIND OF A CHAIR IS THAT?? pfft. Not impressed. AND i can't move now, cos Con said she'd meet me here. So not only am i revising, but i'm revising AND getting back ache.
I Moved ^^ much happier now. comfy seating ftw! i saw Emma in the computer bit, but she looked like she was proper hardcore working so i didnae say hi. Hope she doesn't mind. Right- back to woooork. The Apprentice final tonight- Magaret's leaving so potentially last Magaret involved show :'( . May go back to Library afterwards......
Grr, i keep getting distracted and day-dreaming. Somewhat ironic, considering one of the things i need to revise is Freud's article 'Creative Writers and day-dreaming'. According to Freud day-dreams stem from past memories of what you never had resurfacing in the present to project a wish for the future- basically you day-dream about things you wish you had. They also fall into 2 topics; Successful daydreams and Erotic ones... Freud's a little bit mental, but i spose that makes sense.
Hey! I remembered all of that without looking at my notes! YAY! ^^
There's some absolute wanker trying to flirt with the girl sitting infront of me. We're in the SILENT AREA dumb-ass. If he bangs/ shakes the desk one more time i'm definitely going to get more annoyed and write it down. i would say something- but he's doing quite well, don't want to ruin his chances...
There's also a bloke in here with shockingly blonde hair and a massive black beard- and he doesn't appear to have dyed either. How strange
The girl gave the guy her number! Yay! Now he will leave and i can revise peacefully.
He still hasn't left. Douche-Bag. The girl looks like she might regret giving him her number.
They both caught me staring at them. In my haste to look nonchalant i knocked over my water bottle, dropped my pen on the floor and lost the page in my book. Dammit.
Mary Wollstonecraft-done AND done. Let's read some Burke.
Scrap that. Let's Cixous it up a treat with 'The Laugh of the Medusa'. Doesn't sound very funny to me.
Right. Wasn't expecting that.
"This practise, extraordinarily rich and inventive, in particular as concerns masturbation, is prolonged..."
(Ahem) I've come over terribly English now. Oh well- onward and upward.
DAMMIT!! i keep reading and then my mind just floats off on a complete tangent. STUPID GIRL.
"The woman who writes cuts herself out a paper penis". Brilliant.


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