Thursday 5 November 2009

Why Hollyoaks should be called Hollyohmygodwhatashamblesofatvshowoaks.

The following lines are from an episode of Hollyoaks I, unfortunately, bore witness to. Believe me when i say that after this there will be no more witnessing of anything even remotely Hollyoaks related. Stupid, crappy show.

Little Kid: But Britain didn't start the war and neither did Germany; My teacher told me that a man shot Archduke Ferdinand and that's what started it.
Bloke who's supposedly handsome: Actually, his name was Franz Ferdinand
Woman who's supposedly beautiful: Franz Ferdinand?! That's a band- even i know that!

And then it cut to another scene.
I genuinely stopped for a second.
Me: Did she just say what I think she said?
Laura: Yeah, i think so...
Me: But...but they're named AFTER the Archduke Franz Ferdinand...i don't...did i hear it wrong?

Oh how i wish i had. I don't know if it was supposed to be sarcastic and it's just that the acting is so VERY VERY bad that i didn't realise she was being sarcy...oh my.

Honest to god there is no hope anymore.
Laura then turned the TV over and said "OOH- eastenders is on!!" and I bolted up the stairs.



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