Saturday 21 November 2009

The Joy of 3D

(after having taken out the lenses of the 3D glasses i got at the cinema I stroll into the living room wearing them)

Me:(singing)# I put the geeeek back into chiiic, i put the chiiic back into geeek#
Mum: Ooh are those your 3D ones?
Me: Yu-huh
Mum: Hang on (changes the channel), here, let me have a go
Me: Er...Ok
(Mum puts on the glasses and stares hard at the TV)
Me: Er, Ma?
Mum: Well, this is that Queen in 3D we taped- it's not making any difference whatsoever!!

Oh the PA on PANDY. you never fail to amaze me.

I later made her jump whilst she was outside having a shady cigarette by flying open the kitchen door wearing the aforementioned glasses and screaming "I'M IN 3D!!" at the top of my voice- she literally flew, like a little startled Yoda in a pink dressing gown


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