Saturday 28 May 2011

bra wonders

Today was Connie's last exam. as a result, she and I ended up getting very, very, very drunk indeed. to be honest, i am still fairly under the inlfuence whilst writitng this, but it was too much for a tweet.

can i just say, any spelling mistakes are entirely my own; the fact that this is even legible is purely down to the heavy responsibility of spell check. beliebe me when i say i am FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

so basically, me and con left the venue at around 00@40am and decided to get a burger. after getting the burger, we decided to climb a tree. there are sevvral along eliot footpath and so we chose the one with the best anchorage, and hauled our arses up there.

desperate for a picture, i called out to a couple of girls walking along. i asked if they would take a picture and they said NO but then a guy, who was chasing after them said 'how'd you get up there' and then after taking our picture

he climbed up into the tree with us. the guy's names was Alex, and he was escaping his nagging girlfriend, elsie, who wanted him to walk her friend naiomi home. he told us he was fed up of it, and told elsie he was 'gonna stay in the tree, where he's free'.

after about 15 minutes some of alex's friends came along and dragged him out of the tree. me and connie agreed we should leaf (GET IT) too, and so departed from the tree. i said i had to be careful because my camera was in my hand, and if i lost it i would be dead.

We both got out of the tree. and i felt for my camera. it wasn't there. I asked connie if she remembered me giving it to her so i could be careful and she said no. we then spent the next 20 minutes or so searching up the tree, around the tree and asking various people if they knew where my camera was.

Connie came to conclusion alex or one of his friends had stolen it. I started to cry, because the camera was very expensive, and had been a 21st birthday present from my University friends and so meant a great deal to me. i sat down and started to sob, before connie said 'retrace your steps; what did you do before you came down?'

I said: 'well, i said i was worried about breaking my camera when climbing down the tree, and then i had an idea, so i-' and i gasped. i looked down at my top half, reached into my bra, and pulled out my camera.

i had put it in there for safety whilst climbing down the tree. connie could not stop laughing, and neither could i.

and thus ends the day, I found my lost camera in my bra.

seriously, im so drunk u cant even remembeer writing a lot of that. god bless you spellcheck.

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