Friday 10 September 2010


1) I like leaving the music channels on, in case a song that I'm not really supposed to enjoy comes on, and then feign ignorance as to the whereabouts of the remote control.
2) Sometimes when I see my cat Charlie sat on the windowsill outside, waiting to be let in, I get up and go to the door as if I'm going to open it, then laugh at her from the other side of the cat-flap.
3) The more talented a man the more attractive i find him. This then explains my crushes on Simon Pegg, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson, Dara O'Briain and David Mitchell.
4) I really want to steal the Toy Story alarm clock that my 4 year old nephew Eli owns. During the day it has Woody on it, and at night the face changes to Buzz and glows in the dark. It gets harder to leave it where it is everytime I see it.
5) I tell people I don't believe in marriage because I don't need a band of metal on my finger to prove I love a man, but really it's because I'm convinced the love would fall apart and the band of metal would make the hurt ten times worse.
6) I actually enjoy reading Middlemarch.
7) When I'm making my Academy Award Winner acceptance speech, I'm wholly tempted to name-call every bastard who ever doubted me and then cackle until forced off the stage.
8) Men with excessive piercings and long hair make me suspicious and feel a little bit ill.
9) I could never be with someone who smokes. EVER.
10) I don't think 'Spirited Away' is all that good.
11) I'm so addicted to Twitter that I dream about it at least 4 times a week.
12) When Carrie took Big back I was so angry I swore I'd never watch 'Sex and the City' again. I watched the film last night, but I still get rage.
13) I think my parents genuinely think I'm gay and in love with my best friend Connie.
14) Everytime my sister says that she thinks '(500) Days of Summer' is a rubbish film, a little part of me goes insane with rage.
15) When I first started blogging and tweeting, a few people took the mickey out of me. These same people now all have twitter and/or a blog. This makes me feel smug.
16) Sometimes I have a little cry over the fact that Muse's last album was rubbish and that they've broken my heart. To this day I still can't listen to 'Citizen Erased' without becoming depressed.
17) My level of apprehension way exceeds my level of excitement when it comes to starting my third and final year at University of Kent.
18) The process of having to pluck my eyebrows makes me wish I was a bloke.
19) If I had to choose between saving my cats or my friends, only about 67% of my friends would survive.
20) If I was told I have to choose between buying myself dinner or that months copy of Empire Magazine I would end up starving the majority of the time.


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