Friday 24 July 2009

No Blog and No writing makes Amy Something Something...

I’m sorry wonderful bloggatron readers that I have left you cold, neglected and forgotten for so long. My other blog with Crudenforth has ashamedly somewhat obscured the wonder of my world, plus Somerfield has stolen my days and is holding them captive until September and alas, due to excessive spending and a confusing place called ‘University’ that insists on charging me to get drunk, I need to cooperate with them in order to win back some of my thieved English Benjamins .

So what’s been happening in my world? I think a more appropriate question would be what HASN’T been happening in my world?! And the answer to that my friends is everything. Everything hasn’t been happening.

I had a swine flu scare which turned out to be nothing more than a persistent and annoying combination of hayfever, a cold and a sickness bug; Throw in my often melodramatic personality and you’ve got a hypochondriac’s wet dream right there my friends. Other than that my time has been taken up by working in Somerfield, complaining about working in Somerfield and plotting ways to destroy Somerfield so that I don’t have to work there anymore.

Actually that’s a lie- I had a really lovely night out with Tilly and Bailes last week where we just went to a few pubs for catch up and the like. It didn’t matter that I’d lost my ID (I’m such a idiot, I’ve blatantly dropped it somewhere but god knows where) because Ben works in the King’s Head and Ross works in the Waveney- SWEET. The effect of not being at Uni has certainly taken its toll as I was really quite drunk after only 4 single southern comfort and lemonades; Fresher’s week is going to be cheap and painful by the sounds of things :D

Also I went to Norwich with Spoon on Wednesday and that was EPICALLY GOOD. I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard, but it was so cool cos it was like we hadn’t even had a year away from home and not seeing each other- it was like an elongated version of our infamous sixth form frees, except there was no Bethany and we didn’t do the More Crossword (“How do you spell rampant?!” AHAHAHAH!!)

Also, congrats to Jack-The-Lad, who passed his driving test on Tuesday, FIRST TIME!!YAYAY JACK!!! I’m so chuffed for him, he worked so hard, and now he gets to drive his gorgeous blue car around :D i have to say though that I’m particularly happy for a rather selfish reason- because Jack can drive this means he and Kage can come visit me in Canters next term and stay and stuff!! Gonna be EPIC.


I have sustained many injuries since I last wrote, mainly clumsiness related – I tripped over a speed-bump in Tesco car park and spazzed my hand up so badly- but the worst of which was when i was doing delivery for work I sliced open my finger whilst trying to open a cardboard box. Anyone who’s experienced a Cardboard cut knows it’s far more extreme and painful than a paper cut. My slid down the side of the top of my finger and along the bottom of my nail. I hate the taste of blood so I couldn’t suck it and it was bleeding ever so heavily- it was so gross. This week has been ridiculously clumsy, but it’s mostly due to tiredness. I tripped over the basket holder behind the till a few times, and Tilly (not the aforementioned Tilly, another Tilly. So many Tilly’s...) couldn’t stop laughing at me. She said it was really funny cos one minute I was there and then the next minute I was just gone. I also dropped a four pack of Budweiser beer from the 3rd shelf- it literally exploded, there was beer and glass everywhere; NOT COOL.

Anyhoo, I best go now- I have to be up at 9 for work related issues, plus Kage is getting crabby cos she’s sleepy. And I’m kinda shattered meself. Off to a wonderful daydreamy lovely restfulness world of sleep. I’m actually excited about going to bed, how sad is that?!

Night my lovelies ^^


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