Monday 13 July 2009

#Look for the BEAR Neccessities...#

Fozz: Koala’s ARE bears
Mum: Aren’t they marsupials?
Amy: Yeah...
Fozz: No, they’re bears. Koala BEARS
Mum: No, Joe-
Mum: No, they’re marsupials
Fozz: But that’s like saying Pandas aren’t bears
Mum: Er, they’re not. They’re Pandas!
Fozz: (incredulous)...But they’re called Panda BEARS!! BE-ARS!!
Mum: Pandas are just Pandas- they’re not bears. And Koalas are Marsupials.
Fozz: HOW?! Koala BEARS! Panda BEARS!! Bears and Pandas, Koala’s ...THEY’RE BEARS!!
Mum: Actually, Koala’s are more like wombats
Fozz: What?! Wombats are much smaller!!
Mum: Wombats are massive!!Seriously, wombats are big!!
Fozz: ... Yeah, well they’re not Pandas!
Mum: Well, no, I suppose they’re not because Pandas are black and white and live in China-
Fozz: Oh, so now it’s a racial thing...


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