Wednesday 6 April 2011


University is almost over *sigh* but with this comes some awesome times ahead. Adulthood beckons, and the real world sits and waits for us to whole-heartedly throw ourselves head-first into whatever profession we dream of having (after we've finished being on the dole and working in Tesco).

But there is one thing I am more excited about than anything else. All my plans to work for half a year, then travel to New Zealand for a few months, then come back and move as close to London as is feasibly possible and get a job whilst writing my socks off, the chances of making it as writer, being successful, winning BAFTAs, Academy Awards. There is one thing MORE exciting than any of the above;

When I move into my own place, I WILL BE ABLE TO GET MY OWN KITTENS.

and that, my friends, is what they call AWESOME


1 comment:

Dani said...

D'awwwww! I want a massive dog, like a Newfoundland or one of those white ones that look like polar bears, and I will get my dog at home to meet it and maybe she will finally learn to tolerate other dogs...But on a serious note, what I'm most looking forward to about getting my own place is being able to spend evenings with le fiance alone, just being terribly domestic...I know, it sounds sad but really that's all I visualise! How bad is that?