Tuesday 11 May 2010

Phil Colkbins

SO i have an exam in the 'morrow. I'd say i'm nervous, but i don't think it's quite registered that i actually have an exam in...*tries to work it out by counting fingers* 14 and a half hours. I'm a little nervous, but the fact i'm on Laura's computer writing this instead of doing some last minute cramming must say something.

In my defence i've been awake since 08:30 and i've actually done a ton of revisioney today, AS WELL as squeezing in an episode and a half of Doctor Who series 4 AND finishing the leftover chinese i had from yesterday. What can i say? I'm simply the epitome of efficiency.

Oh dear. I did have to go and fall back in love with blogging the second i didn't have a laptop and far too much work to do, didn't i? So is my world- an amalgamation of bad timing, bad choices but randomly good outcomes :D

I will revise some more in a bit, i just can't stand the idea of having to go back to Margery Kempe whilst i could be sitting here listening to Glee versions of my favourite Madonna classics, whilst bopping and singing along in the little red, broken, office chair. Having said which i know quite a few people who would choose a three hour long exam on medieval and tudor literature over an episode of Glee, because they are fools of tooks. FOOLS.

the only problem with saying "YAY!FIRST EXAM IS OVER!!!" is that after this, for the next 2 weeks of my life, i am going to be accosted by Early Modern Literature until I can't see straight, and THEN i can chillax. After the 25th of June I WILL BE A FREE WOMAN!!! Nicely Done.

I've been watching a lot of Old School Doctor Who, and comparing Eccleston/Tennant/Smith, and thinking about how ridiculously fickle I am. When Eccleston started I was all "oh my god he's amazing. this show is amazing. this can't get any better.", then i found out about Tennant taking over and I was all "URGH he's going to be rubbish, they're taking away MY Doctor, i'm going to hate it" then he actually started and I said "OH MY GOD THIS MAN IS A GOD!!This is the greatest Doctor Who has ever been, it'll never be better" and joined the rest of the country in declaring Tennant to be the greatest Doctor Who EVER. This lasted for 3 series and 4 specials and then I sobbed as the Time Lord regenerated once more into a man i declared to have "Frankenstein's face, only it's made out of silly putty", be far too young, and that no one EVER EVER EVER could be a better Doctor than Tennant-

OOH. apparently i just missed Gordon Brown resigning live on the news because i'm up here writing about Doctor Who and singing to Glee. Hmm. That says a lot really. Anyhoo-

and then when i saw the first episode of Series 5 i was on the phone to Pandy within 5 seconds of the credits and music ending, declaring that "MATT SMITH IS INCREDIBLE!!! BY THE END OF THIS SERIES HE WILL PROBABLY BE MY FAVOURITE DOCTOR!! HIS DEBUT WAS BETTER THAN DAVIDE TENNANT'S!!"

GASP. i now look back at series 2, 3 and 4 AND the specials and realise that actually Tennant is the reason why Doctor Who is so popular today- he made the character accessible, so that Matt Smith could take on what he'd done and create something from it. I mean, I'm not saying Matt Smith isn't perfect- he really, truly is. but Tennant laid out the foundations of The Doctor's character so perfectly and smoothly i can see why Smith has been able to make the character even more amazing.

If you're currently walking up Bishop's Way btw, look in the windows of every house on either side of the road and, if you're lucky enough, you will see a young red haired woman dramatically belting out 'Like A Prayer' with wild hand gestures and lots of hair tossing. If you're lucky. Lord knows what Laura must think of me sometimes- one minute i'm completely silent, sullenly revising to Classic FM, and the next i'm singing 80's classic hits in an operatic style. It's the ONLY way to sing classic 80s hits!! Like Sussudio, by Phil Collins. OR as the keyboard on this computer just typed 'Phil Colkbins'. i don't know why it did that. must be my fatty fingers. anyway. It's a great song to sing in fake operatic style- but Christian Bale has absolutely mullered that song for me. Thanks, American Psycho. ANYWAY. Living with me is always going to be a curve ball though- no one ever really knows what to expect! Even me. OOH if you're the beady eyed Bishop's Way walker- I've just up the anti to 'Like A Virgin'

I better go revise again for a little bit. 13 and a half hours now. Yes, it's taken me an hour to write this blog- I've been distracted by youtube, twitter and various other Internet gubbings. See this is why it's a good thing my laptop is broken.


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