Monday 10 May 2010

Doctor Who music, Lots of leggings and random tongue piercery

I'm currently writing this Bloggletron whilst listening to the AMAZING music of Chameleon Circuit- 'Who's that, Amy?', I hear you ask, 'they must be good, because you only like good music', ahh well, my taste is somewhat spectacular- "Hang on, have Cheryl Cole on your phone?'- er, no, that's err that's a mistake- 'Amy, what the hell is?! Charles and Eddie??!! Who the fuck listens to Charles and Eddie anymore-' CHARLES AND EDDIE AR GODS, OK?? GODS!!!

Where was I, before I had that imaginary conversation/ argument with myself whilst i pretended to be someone who was friends with me? It was obviously something cool. if that last sentence is anything to go by.

OH YEAH- It was cool, actually!! Chameleon Circuit- they're a band that write songs about Doctor Who! Don't judge it. I can practically hear your scoffs all the way down hear in Ye Old Canters Town. They're seriously good. If you go on the link HERE , which is Alex Day (Nerimon)'s website, you can't can listen to their album for free, and then buy it on itunes if you likey, which i will be when i finally have a laptop again.

OH YEAH!! Bob's broken. Like actually Kaput. I'm using Laura's computer atm, which is lovely of her to let me :) but yeah, the adaptor/battery charger/ thing that makes Bob work is broken, so he's run out battery and is now just left on my bedroom floor, dusty as the day is long and unused. Not unloved though; I will mourn Bob when I finally buy his replacement. but for now he's just a massive pain in my arse.

SO today I went town with Connie to do a wee bit o' shoppage and annoy Natwest by taking out a ton of money the second it went into my account. YOU LOVE IT NATWEST, YOU KNOW YOU DOOOOO. QUIT YOUR WHINING AND MAN UP. One day I'll be your most prolific banker, once all my writing gubbings goes stratospheric and I've married some well-to-do type. I'll even mention you in my Academy Award speech when i win for best adapted screenplay, to make up for me constantly living in a state of Overdraft, how's that?

We went mostly because i was hunting for lovely summer dresses, and Connie wanted some more leggings. I ended up with one wonderful dress, a gazillion bras (well...2), 2 pairs of leggings and some washing up powder. Connie ended up with 3 skirts, 2 pairs of leggings AND A TONGUE PEIRCING!!! She'd been thinking about getting it done, and in a spur-of-the-ARGH-i-should-do-it-before-i-chicken-out-and-decide-not-to-have-it-done moment she did it!! the lady was lovely- we went to 'The Belly Bar' in Canters town centre- if you're thinking of getting anything done GO THERE- it's pretty, the people are lovely, it's not too expansive and it was so immaculately clean i was stunned!! I proper geeked it up a treat while the lady, who was covered from head to toe in tattoos and piercings and looked seriously beautiful, prepped Connie; i was asking her all kinds of questions about her tattoos, how many piercings she'd done for people (she said at fashion shows they attend she can do up to 300 piercings a DAY at 3 days at a time!!!), what 'needle stick meant (it's when a tattooist accidentally gets pricked with the needles they're currently using/ have been using on someone else which is a massive problem in case the person you're tattooing has any sort of blood- diseases), how they deal with a 'needle stick' situation- ALL SORTS. I think she found me funny, that i was so interested in the whole thing! Anyhoo, Connie got her tongue pierced- I couldn't look for the actual piercing but watched her put the bar in and all the other stuff. needles are just a little too much for me! Con said it hurt, but not as much as she was expecting. After that we pratted about town some more, before making our way back homeo.

After Connie's spur of the moment decision i feel the need to be more decisive and spur of the moment-y. Of course, after declaring i wanted to be more spontaneous i fell at the first hurdle, when Connie suggested i get the tattoo I've been pondering over getting whilst we were in the parlour, simply saying "errr i dunno, i wanna think about it more". But then I spontaneously bought two wonderful bras in Ann Summers afterwards, which resulted in me spending too much money but being very happy with myself :D

That's all for now, folks. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES, OR ELSE.


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