Tuesday 23 March 2010

Bye bye alcoholss

You know how it's common for people, whilst they're horrifically hungover and regretting everything they did the night before, nursing drunken injuries and trying not to vom at the mere sight of food, to make grand statements that they're never going to drink again EVER that was the last time oh god why did i drink in the first place NEVER again, NEVER NEVER NEVER-
you get the idea.

Well. I am not hungover, and I certainly don't regret any of the things i did last night (me and emma went to open mic night on orange street, and i was in bed by 12 :)); i have no drunken injuries and I've just scoffed some caramel chocolate goodness. So here goes;


I'm not going completely tee-total- I'm just not going to drink for the rest of this term, and i'm not going to get drunk anymore.


basically this means the days of being wasted, falling over, ruining tights that cost me £6, wasting MORE money on alcoholic beverages and living off of sandwiches just so i can afford to go out on a friday are OVER. no more hangovers, no more walks of shame, no more uttering the sentence "Oh GOD!! did i really do that???", no more apologising for saying something utterly ridiculous to someone i love because i'm not in control of what comes out of my mouth, no more bad decision making, no more memories forgotten-
and the return of the ability to recall everything that happened over the night out.

I've had a really rough time lately dealing with tons of stuff that just keeps building up. Now, i'm not especially lucky- ask any of my friends and they'll agree, maybe even making a list of the bad luck scenarios that have plagued me- but i've always been able to deal with this stuff quite well. Well, recently i haven't been, and it's been really, REALLY awful. I've felt low, and struggled to keep up with work, basically digging myself a little hole and then usually filling it to the brim with alcohol to forget all of the things that have been WAAH recently. BTW, i know this isn't in keeping with my blogs usually high-spirited malarke, but It's what's been going on in my life, and i want to put it out there. If it wasn't for the help of my INCREDIBLE friends and family (Alex, Connie, Emma and Pandy; you have literally been life savers) then things could've gotten really bad. But they haven't. and i realised that i owe it to myself and to my friends to sort myself out.

And so i have made a list of things i feel i should be doing to get back to my usual self- to help find myself again. They include a lot of boring and trivial things, like pick up my guitar again, start singing more, put myself out more into the world, meet new people etc. Then there are some really exciting ones, like buying a passport and travelling a little over the summer (only to europe- but that's still further than i would've been before in my life!!) and then there's the extreme ones; like the giving up alcohols.

Doesn't seem so extreme, really.but living as a student the expectation to drink is STAGGERING. i have no idea what it is- when i'm at home i don't drink! my sister doesn't, my dad doesn't, none of us get drunk and before i came to uni i used to go out and stuff but it'd be once in a blue moon we'd get drunk. and then you get to uni and it's all DRINK DRINK DRINK, and i'm not saying i didn't want to, but i just don't understand it!i have plenty of fun while i'm at home, sober, so why do i feel the need to spend money to become incoherent to have fun??well, not anymore!!

I know some people will read this and be like "Yo- George- I couldn't give less of a toss if i tried bout you not drinking, why you telling me?" Well, randomly rude friend, because the more people who know about it the more people there will be to shame me if i fail. I don't want to be shamed, so i'm less likely to fail!

It's gonna be SUPER hard. everyone's going out this friday for drunken lolz at massive mungos, and i'll want to drink. but i wont. I WONT!!!



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