Wednesday 8 December 2010

Facebook: Friend or Foe? Day Three

For those wondering, there wasn't a Day Two entry because aside from simlar things like me going to pick up my phone to check Facebook about 3 times, nothing much on the obsession side of things actually occurred.
However, there was a bit of a break through in that i really needed to find out some information that i had previously recieved in a message through facebook- but because i had no access i couldn't re-check the details. So i had to use my phone in order to contact the messenger, who promptly replied and everything was fine. So yeah- perfect proof that there's no need to have facebook. And before anyone says 'Oh, but you got the first message through facebook' yes, that's true; but if i didn't have facebook i would've gotten that message through text, would i have not? See?

Today though? Oh, today more than made up for the lack of obsessive behaviour of yesterday.

So let's start with how Facebook has made a mockery of my subconscious.

I had a little bit of a rough day yesterday, which culminated in a lovely meal with my friends and then all of us getting a little bit slozzled. The more rum i had- at half price due to some wonderful connections with one of the bar staff*- the sadder i got, and before i knew it i was writing half-arsed emo-accented tweets from my phone. It was at this point that for the first time since giving it up i actually was appreciative of the fact i didn't have facebook. because a very embarrassing and depressed/drunken status would've appeared, and although my followers on twitter are used to me being wayward and moany with my emotions, facebook isn't. So that saved me a little bit of face(book. i'm so funny).

Anyhoo, because of aforementioned emotional 'turmoil' i decided i wanted to dream- because whenever i'm a bit upset about something i tend to dream about it and it helps clarify things for me. I have my most vivid dreams after I've woken up too early and then fallen back asleep again, so i set my alarm 2 hours earlier than i had to wake up, to hopefully kick-start some epiphany dreamage. But oh no. My lack of facebook has overpowered my emotions and completely corrupted my subconscious. Because what i ended up dreaming about was me, being able to log into my facebook account and the overwhelming feeling of joy that came with being able to do so. I couldn't believe it when i woke up. emotional clarity?? Naaah, let's just do some stalking. stupid brain.

I have been pretty desperate all day to be able to go onto it. I actually clicked onto the link that appears in my little bar bit at the top of my laptop (yeah, i know technology well good) but of course couldn't log in. I got an email to my kentmail account letting me know that my password had been changed, and because they were unsure as to whether i'd meant to do this or if i'd been hacked they sent an email to all email accounts associated with my facebook. It then provided me with a link, that would allow me to 'regain control' of my facebook account. Fuck me, was i ever tempted. there it was, lying in wait for me to click and and find out how many (none) notifications were lying in wait. But i resisted. I'm not entirely sure how, but i did.

Since then I've been concentrating on work that i've had to do, but after watching The Apprentice (Oh my god oh my god i wont say anything but oh my god) i desperately wanted to go on there to see what everyone else was saying!!!! so annoying. i did get over it though.

So today's been a bit of a 'oh i miss facebook' day, which surprised me. i would've thought by now i would've been a bit lacklustre about it all. but hey ho. tomorrow is another day. tomorrow is actually the first day that i'm going to be at work without facebook access, which made up for most of the boredom issues that come with the job. but it's all kosher- cos i have a lot of reading to do for my course. BOO THE THE MOTHERFING YA.


*This sounds dirty, but he's just a friend

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