Sunday 9 August 2009


Little snippet today from work. I was V TIRED today, don't worry i have a day off tomorrow ^^, but by the end of the day the checkout was mistake central and the population was most definitely me.

At one point i tried to put a call out over the tannoy thing that should've sounded something like this;
"Colleague announcement: Ben Holt to the checkout please, thank you"
but instead it sounded like this;
"Colleague announcement: Ben, uh, wha- huh?Oh for god's sake"

Neat, huh? I also knocked a jar of coffee off of a shelf-stand thing and forgot to take customers cashback out of the till about 7 times. Paula must've felt like throwing the till keys at me by the end of the shift.

But HORRAH and HUZZAH because i haff tomorrow offffff. YEAAH BOIII!! and watch something. i dunno what, just something. Eli's staying over tonight cos Vic and John have a wedding thing to go to, and we've had a well good time.

OHH!! i just remembered i haff ice cream dans le freezer!! excellent.


I'm gonna go have a cup of tea. No, coffee.

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