Sunday, 31 January 2010

B.A.S (Brassiere Appreciation Society)

After a random afternoon nap i decided to kick-start my imagination by going for a brisk wander in the chilly twilight of Canters Barry. I left a note for Laura, put on a million layers including my Kent hoodie and set off down the road behind my house towards the massive playing field- after crossing the main road i realised something didn't feel quite right; i was walking along and i just felt kinda funny, like something was missing...
And something was. because i had forgotten to put my bra back on after my nap.
Now, as cool kid as this makes me sound- and let's face it, it does(n't)- i wouldn't normally admit to doing something like this on something as public as my blog, which is read by countless (read no) people, including my parents. However i feel the desperate urge to shout from the rooftops my new found respect for my bra.
See, i've always been slightly annoyed by them. they cost a hell of a lot of money (for someone with no money this is an issue) and i always accidentally ping my strap and smack myself with it, which whilst hilarious to the outside world is actually quite a painful experience. However, after having to use my arms as a kind of improvised bra whilst walking around today i totally respect and love all of my bras. After about 30 minutes my arms were CANING and my back really really hurt. when i got in i put my bra back on and it was almost like instant gratification in that my back stopped hurting and my arms were freed from their position as impromptu shelving. The actual structural design of a bra is far more complicated than i anticipated and i realised that i need to start appreciating my over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder for what it is- ABSOLUTELY GENIUS.
So thank you, bras. You make my world a more thoroughly and efficiently supported place.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Grown-Up Behaviour

Halfway through a webcam chat with Ma and she gets a funny look on her face

Me:...So we changed one of the rules to be nominations-
Mum:(pointing)What's that?
Me:(looking about) Wh-what? what's what?
Mum: (pointing more) THAT.
Me: (utterly confused) Ma, i dunno what you're pointing at-
Mum: (raising one eyebrow) Amy, why does it say 'COCK' on your hand?

Me: (looking at hand and stuttering) er- er- i -er, it- er-
Mum: ...Amy?
Me: Itwasn'tmealexdidit!!!
Mum: And why did Alex write 'COCK' on your hand?
Me: (looking sheepish) because i drew a picture of a cat on his and wrote 'OH HAI' next to it.
Mum:...How old are you both, Amy?
Me: I'm nearly 20 and Alex is 21.
Mum: (sighing) I'm so proud you're using your time at university so wisely, Amy.


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Dear Diary...

this new diary thing is exactly what i needed. i know it's the smallest thing, and should be the most insignificant change but then i suppose it's the smaller lines that help shape the bigger picture. I've always kept a diary, since i was around 12- i'm one of those people who can't keep things to herself hence the over-indulging of my ego on blogger, twitter and Youtube. except i have a problem, in that when it comes to the boundaries of keeping things to myself i have none; but there are things i don't feel i could possibly tell anyone, so my outlet becomes the connections my pen and paper make.

The first diary i had was bought in Ipswich on a visit to my friend Gina's Dad's house. her family had invited me for the weekend, and i still remember it to be one of the greatest weekends of my life; We went go-karting; her Dad was an amazing cook; and we spent the majority of the time in their back garden playing with her 6 and 7 year old brothers. but even though there were these big gestures that were amazing there are 2 things that stuck with me, that to some people wouldn't even matter (that's not to say anything against those people- it's just that everyone's life leads them to covet their own things; more often than not the tiniest pleasures are not shared pleasures).

the first was that i had my own room in their house. to them it was just a spare bedroom- but up until the age of 10 i had shared a room with both my younger brother and sister and from then on with my sister and to me the room was incredible. it wasn't big or anything, but it wasn't anyone else's- for those 3 days and 2 nights it was mine. I remember during the night i was scared because it was dark and Gina's family didn't leave a light on like mine do. the room was cold because there was no one else in there and the pillows were misshapen, not like the ones back home that over the years had learnt the curves of my head and the turns i made in my sleep. i woke up hours before anyone and sat, bored because there was no bed opposite mine with anyone to talk to. but it was still perfect.

the second thing was the diary itself. i still have it, under my bed in Beccles, in a small blue, lid-less container with 'Amy's stuff' emblazoned on the side in warn out marker. it's underneath the 5 other diaries that are brimming with my mind, and is by far the prettiest thing i've ever written in. the cover was silk, and had tiny flowers sown into it. when i bought it i was worried what my parents would think of the cost, but Gina said it was my money and i should spend it how i wanted to, so i did. when i got back to hers i copied the lyrics of my favourite song at the time onto the front pages- Muse, 'Time is Running Out'. i then wrote everything we had done that day and then let her read it. she said that it was good but i shouldn't write it like i expect people to read it, i should write it for me. so that night i wrote about how the room was scary and cold, and how Gina's youngest brother was a little annoying and when she asked to read it i said no. she wasn't angry, she understood. and from there on i've kept a diary.

they're all under my bed, the others. i had to be careful what i wrote in them because i knew if my mum found them she'd read them. one of my favourite things to do, whenever i'm at home and feeling low, is to pull out the blue container and rifle through my past at all my crushes and laugh at how even then i managed to write too often about my cats (Franky-you're still my baby man, even now ^^) But when i got to uni i thought 'enough'. enough censoring what i had to say, as long as that book stayed with me at all times at home and i was careful where i left it at uni there was no reason as to why i shouldn't write EXACTLY how i was feeling and everything that happened, good and bad. so i did.

but when i came back to this diary from last term after new years it felt...used. even thought i'd only written around 30 pages it felt like i'd gotten everything out of that diary that i could, so i stopped writing as often. and the less i wrote the more annoyed and frantic i became, having no outlet for how i was feeling and the more things went wrong or upset until there was this awful cycle that resulted in me coming over all emo on twitter. it was horrible! but it wasn't until a bit before coming back to uni i had the epiphany of buying another diary. and by epiphany i mean Kage suggested i do it. so i did.

It's already making a difference. the old diary is still here- it's on my side table underneath Doctor Who series 4, (500) Days of summer and Alex and Ted's Daft Punk masks they left at my house (i blatantly haven't put them on and danced around my room listening to 'Alive' on spotify...except i have and it was so much fun i thought i would wee myself a little bit. i didn't. unlike some people...) . i haven't decided whether or not i will keep it though. for the first time in my almost 8 years of diary infatuation i'm contemplating getting rid of it. there are a lot of things in that diary i would like to forget, and although some things i deserve to remember i feel the burden of having it around would be too much. the diary i've bought now is modest enough- brown paper cover, even lines, a little more widely spaced than i'd prefer but ah well.

i know that it seems silly to care so much for something so little. but if it makes a difference there's no shame in loving anything, no matter how big or little in the grand scheme of things it is- it's there for a reason, so don't hide it


Monday, 25 January 2010

Making sense of non-sensical things

I know it sounds wonderfully ridiculous to say i may have found an incredible solution to an otherwise impossible situation hidden within the plot of a Fox Network American Musical TV Drama created in lieu of the success of High School Musical and aimed primarily at tweenagers who spend their time either in a Zac-Efron-Induced-Comatose state or discussing why they would be so much better for Edward than Bella ever could be-
But i think i may have.
Then again, i've never exactly been one for convention. A girl who miaows between sentences can never truly adhere to any ideas of convention.
I'll keep you posted

Friday, 22 January 2010

Seven AM Semi-Live Blog. and genius ideas.

It's a rare occasion that i'm awake at 7am.but thanks to the nazi's in the english office it's now a regular friday thing. However, today was the first time i'd done it and knew it would be sucktacular, which it was.

in order to lose some of the sucktackularness (my word making uppage has no boundaries. See?) i decided to do a semi-live blog. for those of you new to the whole shebang i basically write down stuff as it happens.

For old school semi-action (rofl i'm so grown-up) see;

Ok. I'm up. But all i've managed to do so far is sneak an arm out and reach for my dressing gown, and my arm nearly froze off. It's strictly under-duvet action from now on. I've pulled it over my head to lock in all warmth. All i'v gotta do now is pluck up the courage to get out of bed and turn the light on. I may be some time.
It's kinda stuffy under here. I'm gonna abort the under-duvet plan. Dammit.
ARGH i almost fell back asleep. I need to force myself to go turn the light on. this is gonna SUCK.
WAAAAH!! THAT WAS HORRIBLE!! IT'S SO FRIGGIN COLD!! i managed to grab other necessities too, such as clothes and the like, so i can get ready under the comfort of cover. Alas, i left my make-up bag on my desk, like a complete dick. like hell if i'm going out there again. Make-Up can wait!!
Just managed to get changed UNDERNEATH my cover. i gots skills that kills.

and unfortunately that's it. I accidentally dozed off in my clothes and had to rush to get ready so had no way of writing anything else.

Hey, i didn't say it was gonna be a good read, did i? you do that dance everytime you click on this blog- heaven only knows whether the majority of it'll be worth reading or even readable ;D

I did have an AMAZING idea though, whilst walking back from the library. the other day whilst on campus i saw underwear dangling from one of the big ol' lights they've got up around campus and was strangely impressed that it had managed to get up there. then today i saw more underwear casually thrown on a bush (FUNNIEST SENTENCE EVER). the idea that there must be thousands of pieces of random underwear randomly and sporadically thrown around campuses all over Britain really made me laugh and i chuckled to myself as i said outloud 'You found Underwhere?!". Then it hit me- i reckon there should be a website called 'Underwhere?' with like pictures of underwear that had been found in literally the most random places people have ever seen, all around the world!! so like, underwear found on like the great wall of china, or in a postbox or something stupid! it would be hilarious!!

that's my idea. "underwhere?"


Thursday, 21 January 2010


I spoke to soon. The dream is over.

we tried to find stuff for the outfits but couldnae find any white overalls. and so the dream is over.

I partially blame myself. this is because of a silly superstition i have which i swear to god isn't even a superstition it's an actual fact- when i tell people, ANYONE, about something i'm looking forward to or something i've planned on doing that's really cool it never EVER EVER happens. literally everything i've gotten excited about happening i open my mouth and say something and within hours it's not happening anymore or it just never happens and falls through. and i've actually tested this theory- i've known something exciting was gonna be happening or was planned and whatever and i don't tell anyone and it happens.

I know i sound mental, but you have to think of these things when you're as consistently unlucky as i am.i don't begrudge'd be a waste of my time to think on it too much, and if i tried to think of a rational reasoning behind why i'm so unlucky i'd probably go mental. if anything it means i can deal well when things go completely to pot. well, reasonably well...

but yeah. so i blame myself a little for it not happening. and now i have no idea what to go as. literally none. sigh.


intergalactic planetary, planetary, intergalactic

it's been a while since i bloggatroned it up. this is due to my hectic schedule of...well, nothing. Actually that's not entirely true- my schedule has been hectically filled with many time consuming and therefore blog-less events such as coming back to uni, attending my first seminar, making an absolute fool out of myself on a drunken night out and consequently missing my first lecture, and becoming addicted to trials HD. it's been a good start!

my effort seems to be wavering a little, especially in regards to getting out of bed. seeing as i'm writing this IN bed, having only woken from my dozy slumber about 20 minutes ago i think it's safe to assume i'm feeling a little lazy. tbh i'm currently experiencing a three-day hangover which MUST be some sort of record, surely? (no, it's not. and stop calling me Shirley) i wake up early enough and before monday i was able to be up and about but now i just wake up and then think "i'll just close my eyes and doze for a wee while" and then i wake up and my clock tells me an hours gone and i'm suddenly tremendously late for a lot of things

i'm quite excited about today- me and alex are going to B&Q, which doesn't sound exciting at all unless you discover what we're going to B&Q for;
Our friend Izzy is having a 20th birthday party this weekend with a theme of 'Famous musicians'. basically you have to dress up like a famous singer or band or whatever. we kinda came up with an idea of, ahem, 'intergalactic' proportions. and so, me, Alex and Ted are going as this;

The dream will finally (hopefully) be realised!!! plus it's 90's night at the venue so blates we'd fit right in
See here for more details;

My only worry was my inability to pull wearing such a concoction. but as alex pointed out only the cool people would realise what we were and i figured that if i actually manage to find a bloke who thinks a girl who dresses up intergalactically is attractive i would've inadvertently attracted the type of guy i'm looking for and may very well have found my soul mate. this could, however, also reveal the fact that he doesn't exist and further prove Ted's prediction, of me becoming a strange, lonely old woman with many,MANY cats, to be true.

And that's it for now. nowt much else is going on tbh. Being back at uni is pretty much the balls, i'm loving it, except from the fact i have a 9am seminar tomorrow- that sucks A LOT. but yeah...Canterbury FTW


Tuesday, 12 January 2010

An ode to Millie. We are crazies meant to be.

I'm pretty easy to please, and take pleasure in the smaller things in life. Like finding a clicky top pen that writes on paper like a normal Biro writes on a banana;
if you've never written on a banana with a Biro for the love of god what have you been doing with your time?!?!it's the greatest thing in the world!!find a banana, find a Biro and do it. NOW. I'll wait.
done it?
There are many things that make me ridiculously happy or excited for no real reason;
-Car doors that open backwards
-Breaking the seal on a new cup of coffee
-Slipper socks
-Taking the plastic cover off of a new DVD
-Folding the page of a book over for the first time
-Paperchase (i would literally walk around that shop squealing if i didn't concentrate on not squealing)
-Glittens (gloves that are also Mittens. greatest invention in the world.)
-New episodes of One Tree Hill
-Counting the pennies in my robot change mug at the end of term
-The little stickers you find on apples
-pint bottles of milk (they're so tiny and cute!)

but nothing makes me quite as ridiculously happy as my itteh bitteh kitteh Millie;

She's smelly, snotty, a little retarded and attention seeking.
she's never scratched or bitten anyone, is the sweetest animal i've ever met and gives nothing but 100% pure unadulterated love to anyone lucky enough to cross paths with her.
I'm so allergic to her that i have to take allergy tablets every 4 hours when i'm at home.
When i'm lying down she comes and lies on my front for huggles, putting one paw around my neck and the other she wraps around my thumb.
one night she plucked 4 keys off of Bob's keyboard when i left it open accidentally.
She has the smallest little nose i have ever seen on any cat- it's the size of my little fingernail and completely black and the fur around it has gone grey where she is quite old now.
She was abandoned as a kitten, and so never learnt how to clean herself properly- she gives herself a bath by rolling around on her back frantically licking herself and waving her paws around.
One time she caught a butterfly for me- and then couldn't find it because it got stuck to the bottom of her paw.
And another time she came in meowing and proud of herself because she had caught something else for us- it turned out to be a bit of old sausage she'd found.
I love my Millie Cat more than anything (other than my Charlie fluffyball). She is my ickle baby.
I like being a crazt cat lady. :D

Monday, 11 January 2010

UEA day

i feel good right now. I've had a fairly active day, and am now belting out Florence and the machine at the top of voice, probably to the disdain of my poor family. ah well. they only have to listen to it for 6 more days :)

This morning was pretty epic- up at 6:45am despite having only fallen asleep at around 3am (stupid amounts of yummy yummy coffee are to blame. that and the accessibility of twitter on my mobly, which is a ridiculous excuse because no one is ever really on twitter around that time). the night before i decided to make my alarm tone 'No Limit' by '2 Unlimited' for 'the lolz' as i'd told Kage, thinking that it would be simply HILARIOUS to be woken up by it.

Oh, boy, was i wrong.

Easily one of the most disorientating moments of my life-i had no clue what was going on!!suddenly "BAH BAH BANANANAH BA BA BANANANAH" was blaring from my phone- it was so loud it woke up Fozz in the next room!!Kage just sat up and went "ARGH!" as i desperately tried to work out was was going on. Charlie was freaked, and nearly attacked me because i accidentally covered her with my quilt, and it was utter pandemonium!! i finally figured out it was my phone as kage sleepily shouted over the pounding song 'WHY DID YOU PUT THIS AS YOUR ALARM??!!' to which i could only yell back 'I DON'T BLOODY KNOW!!'. seriously it's so loud for such a little speaker!!it took me forever to switch it off too, because i'd never set the alarm before so didn't know how to disable it!!it was hilarious though- i managed to switch it off just as the bloke screamed "LEMME HERE YA SAY YEAH!!!" and kage just went 'NOOOOOOO!!'-i couldn't stop laughing

we had to get the 7:45 bus, and leave extra early because of how icey it was outside. this resulted in me leaving the house without my glasses, much to my dismay, and also with a stomach 'happily filled' with a half eaten bowl of cornflakes and and half finished cup of coffee. When Kage has a strict timetable you adhere to it- breakfast be DAMNED. that girl runs on 100% German efficiency, i swear if she didn't look so much like Vic I'd be worried! we ran- YES RAN- over the ice in order to get to the bus stop on time. i don't know how i didn't fall over but i didn't!!Beccles is a no grit zone, however so it wasn't fun. we got to the bus stop with just in time to wait another 20 minutes because the bus was running late. yaaaaaaaay.

The reason we were catching the bus is because today is Kage's first day of spring/summer term at UEA. She's feeling poorly at the moment but needed to go up because it's the first day so i volunteered to go along so she'll feel a little happier- Kage likes her company, bless her. The uni itself is alright- but it's a bit of a concrete jungle. I think i'm a little biased towards Kent though! Kage went to her seminar and i went and sat in a cafe called 'zest' which for some strange reason i kept accidentally calling 'flex'- i don't know why. i was utterly confused by the coffee machine, and the milk dispenser and received many a disapproving look from the people around me who completely ignored my cried for help. i'll say that about the UEA- the atmosphere wasn't really that friendly. but everything is covered in concrete so it's kinda hard to be chirpy...somehow Kage manages it though :) she is my favourite ever.

I sat in the front corner of the cafe next to the window with my coffee and honey biscuits and watch the dark knight on Kage's ipod. actually, i just kept skipping to the bits with the joker cos i love those parts and didn't have much time. whilst there i kept an eye out for any guy candy but alas to no avail. the place was literally riddled with scene and indie kids, who looked down at me from their untied pvc nike trainers and coiffed fringes. they were wearing t-shirts blazing band names that take you weeks to pronounce, like 'my best friend hates me so now i make music' or 'backwards pyjama wearing fan-girls' or something equally as pointless and annoying. the one guy i did think was fit was a classic Monet- gorgeous from far away, kinda blurry and messy close up.

after that i went to Kage's lecture and pretty much blanked. after various tomfoolery we were on the bus back home, but not before Kage bought me some Ribena light (she knows what i love bless her!!!) and maltesers to say danke shane for the day. on the bus home we actually had a really in depth discussion about politics and things which was really really cool. Kage taught me tons of stuff, so when i go back to Canters i can ACTUALLY have political discussion and not just give the usual input i give, which is "Well...i just think David Cameron looks like a nice bloke" or "the problem is i don't really like Gordon Brown but i think his wife is lovely- i feel quite bad for her". NOW i have stuff to talk about!!!also, Gordon Brown's real first name is James!!!JAMES BROWN!!as Kage quaintly put it; 'he should've kept his name. people'd like him if he had the funk"

nowt much has happened since i've been home. Panders had a rubbish day at work and was a bit down; ma's still really ill at the mo, poor little thing :( and Eli started nursery today and loved it- he also hijacked Bob to play CBeebies and got spit all over my keyboard. i kept my cool.

and that's my day so far. i had to go to bed early last night (yeah that worked) and as a result couldnae watch Forrest Gump like i wanted to- so as a treat i'm gonna stay up tonight and watch
whatever film i want to. it's between galaxy quest, signs or SATC movie at the minute...hmmm decisions decisions...


Friday, 8 January 2010

Praying to the snow gods

Me:Panders said something TRULY horrifying today Fozz
Fozz:Oh yeah, what was that?
Me: we were talking about the snow, and he said "One thing i will say girly is that if it keeps up like this next saturday might not happen"
Fozz:What's next saturday?
Me:...I'm going back to Canters, i told you this this morning
Fozz:Oh, yeah, i can't remember
Me: But yeah...Dad said if the snows still snowing than i won't be going back next saturday.
Fozz:..Why exactly is that terrifying?
Me: Because i need to go back to Canters. (panickly stuttering) I just-I can't- I won't- I need (takes deep calming sigh) phew. I NEED TO GO BACK TO CANTERBURY.

i really really REALLY do. Snow? can you hear me? it's amy...hiiii!!!we've had some good times, snow. Remember when i was 9 and me and Dad built you into a snowman? It was Fozz and David who drove through the middle of you, using our pedal police car, NOT ME. PLEASE STOP SOON SO I CAN GO BACK!!please?? thanking you muchly.

you know things are desperate when it resorts to snow prayer.

I'll bloody walk back to Canters if i need to. google maps tell me it would take exactly 2 days 0 hours if i take the A2...that's doable.


A snow Beccles is a beautiful Beccles

I always moan about living in Beccles.
But i gotta admit- it's kinda beautiful ^^
(sorry for the shoddy quality of piccytures. My phone camera is PFFT)
This is our neighbours' (Ron and Joan) garden

The Cloud Mountains were pretty spectacular

It was so eerie how our garden was just tinted with blue light
This was when it was snowing earlier in the day- watching the birds hop about was so funny

And that's a snowy day in Beccles. It's so lush having a mahusive garden to frolic about in ^^
i had to resist the temptation to just dive into the untouched blanket. In some places the snow came halfway up my boot!!
Tomorrow me and Fozz are hoping to create a snow version of 'Jurassic Park'. Yeah, you heard me!! should be awesome sauce fun :D

hope everyone's safe in the snow, wherever you may currently be!


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

What happens when you try to make a video whilst ODing on Lemsip

I make no excuses for the rubbishness of this video. Only apologies.



Oh my. I'm currently under the spell of the world's worst cold. Ok, well, that might be some exaggeration but it's definitely not fun. I can't remember the last time i sneezed this much with a cold, i'm very much a 'stuffy nose and head' sorta gal usually but i've got the whole kit and kaboodle this time; stuffy nose, sore head, sore throat, complete lack of appetite, exhausted even though i slept for practically years and had a lie in and sneezing until the cows come home. i hope they come home soon because my ears keep popping and i can't hear very well, which just ADDS to the delightfulness of my life right now, as you can imagine :D

the annoying thing about attempting to write a daily blog is that it will eventually bring to your attention the fact you do so little over the holidays. this is what is happening to me now, as you can see by the far-too-long paragraph describing my cold; the lack of events to report on has become SO dire that i rely on an illness to entertain. I suppose it's a challenge on my ability to write- if i can make a common cold interesting then i must be at least somewhat capable of writing well :) There's far too little going on in my life right now, however, and i cannot wait until i'm back in Canters, where there's always something going on or someone to be seeing or some kind of situation with some kind of gossip! I love being at home, and it's been lovely spending so much time with Kage and Fozz but i just need to be in a place where things happen. and that's certainly not Beccles.

Dad's just come in from work so i'm going to go get some much needed molly-coddling. I'm definitely one of those people who needs love, care, attention and sympathy when i'm ill... And often when i'm not :)


Sunday, 3 January 2010

I'm bored.

It's true. Canters, where are thou?


There’s a girl I know with 3 established nicknames, all of which are commonly used, so much so that her real name is barely used. My brother’s nickname, Fozz, has eclipsed his actual name to a point where even his teachers call him ‘Fozz’. My sister’s name is now Kage, EVEN MY PARENTS have Pandy. And yet I have none. I am Amy. Amy Victoria, if I misbehave a tad. Well, no, that’s a lie. In the past I’ve been Little G, Action Girl George, (although I don’t count the latter as a nickname because it’s part of my actual name) Jorg and most recently OGAG (Original Gangster Amy George). But none of them stick. None of them have replaced my name. And I’ve always wanted a naturally occurring name replacing nickname.

One of my mates told me that I should kill two birds with one stone and get a boyfriend, and therein I would find a nickname because all couples have lovely little nicknames for each other and of the couples I know this is true, and aforementioned friend has a point. But at the same time wanting a relationship for the sake of a silly name seems...well, ever so slightly fickle. And pathetic...mostly pathetic.

Plus I want a name that my mates can have on their phones. My phone book makes no sense- and that’s how a phone book should be!Mine’s filled with Connifer, Markworth, Crudenforth, Tedworth, Pandy, Old People, Fozzatron, Kage, Sensational JG, Crowford, Mapez, Bailes, Marjori, Spoon. I had to save my parents number under ‘Mum&Dad’ though, because Kage pointed out what if I was in an accident and someone tried to use my phone to contact my mum & dad- how would they know they’re under ‘Old People’ or ‘Pandy’?. Well, they wouldn’t!

But i’ve come up with a theory as to why I havnae been given a keeper of a nickname- because it’s my job to dish them out!!all of the long-lasting nicknames amongst friends at home and family have been created by me- Fozz’s adapted into Fozztron, Pat and Andy became PANDY, Katie was Kage, Gav became Marjori. It all really comes down to the fact that I have an affliction wherein I can’t call people by their real names, whilst everyone else around actually can make do with real nameage- hence why no one’s thought “Hey, Amy- let’s give you a name that’s not Amy!”

But having said which i would quite like one.
Who knows? Maybe i’ll get one for my birthday. It’s only a month and 27 days away 
I think.


Saturday, 2 January 2010

Where did the days go?

i'm so confused right now.

Woke up, and my fluffatron Charlie was next to me, the sun was shining through my curtains and the whole house was silent. I figured i must have woken up kinda early cos Charlie always gets off of my bed at like 9:30 to get something to eat, and if it were later Kage would be back

I felt kinda headachey still, and my throat hurt- tbh i felt hungover, which was strange cos i'd hadnae anything to drink the night before, but this has actually been happening to me more and more recently so i didn't worry too much

blindly fumbled for my phone, which i managed to drop twice before i actually got a firm grip on it

and saw that it was 12:30 in the afternoon.

WTF?????!!!!!!where's the day gone?!?! my sleeping pattern is severely mucked up now, which is annoying cos it was fine in Canters!!but since i've been home i've been getting to sleep at 2-3am and not waking up til gone 11!!


Today will be an amusing mixture of nothing/uselessness on my part- i'm looking forward to it :D


What happens when i try to be creative

Thrilling stuff, right?
If Rolf Harris directed the 'Intergalactic' video for Beastie Boys i reckon it'd look like this.
Whatever happened to Rolf?
i wonder...
more info on the trying to be creative thing later.
For now...well, enjoy 'Catbot'. maybe i should get him patented. Duncan Bannatyne might try to steal him and make millions.
Or Sir Alan Sugar. But that's be cool.

Friday, 1 January 2010

On the first day of January, i cried my eyes out

And so the first day of 2010 is over. and i'm going to try and make sure i don't cry even half as much as i did today!!
Don't worry- it's not because things were awful and i'm not about to whine- i'm trying to cut down, remember? It was because David Tennant left Doctor Who today. Well, technically speaking he didn't leave TODAY, i mean he left ages ago, it's just the episode was shown today. AND, technically speaking HE didn't leave the show, his CHARACTER did...didn't even leave really, regenerated...anyhoo, the point of it is Russell T Davies and David Tennant shall not be tag teaming my television anymore- and this makes me feel like boo-hooing until i have none tears left to boo-to-the-hoo

HOWEVER they didn't blow up the TARDIS- indeed during the regeneration process it got a tad mullered, but in the trailer for the next series (which i'll go on to shortly) i was there in it's shining glory- but with a very pretty and new interior design :D some muppet had obviously got wind of pyrotechnics being let off on the TARDIS stage and assumed the worst...they were probably from The Daily Mail, that place is BRIMMING with useless itinerary mistaken for 'news'. and Amanda Platell (shudders).

AND Matt Smith didn't annoy me. Which is good. BARE IN MIND when i first saw David Tennant as The Doctor (i was furious because i absolutely LOVED Christopher Eccleston) i hated him!! when he said "Where was i? oh yes- Barcelona!' i was like "" but i actually liked this guy! and the trailer for next series actually looks pretty buff ting- NOWT TO WORRY BOUT :D

I've decided not to use twitter so much (if i can!!ADDICT) because it means i don't have much to write on here- pretty much everything in this blog can be found on my twitter, so if people read both they'll be like "Oh, Amy, this is old news. BORED." and will either stop following me on twitter and read this blog, stop reading this blog and follow me on twitter, OR come to their senses and realise that nothing i have to say is of great importance or consequence to anybody and severe all ties with my useless's hoping the latter does not win out :D



this blog may come across as slightly disjointed- this is because i'm currently watching Eli throw min and Kage's teddies around our bedroom, whilst Uncle Fozz 'saves them'. There's two monkeys, according to Eli although where these monkeys have come from i have no idea. oh, to be three again...

So, 2010. ALRIIIIGHT. this year promises to be pretty big, really. Off the top of my head the things that should be occurring involve me leaving the wonder years of teen behind me and turning 20; HOPEFULLY going to Reading for the first time if all things go to plan (fingers crossed!!); and in the latter part of 2010 starting my third and final year of university...OH MY WORD.

hang on- eli wants to play on cbeebies, i'll finish writing in a bit :)

tHERE WE GO, BLESS HI- oh wait, it would appear he hit my caps lock button, sorry! little lad's so lovely ^^

Last night was pretty much amazing. Went to my older sisters and brother-in-laws whilst Pandy took care of Eli at ours, so we could have a few drinks and be as loud as we wanted :) vic and john live out in the country, in the middle of nowehere so we had no people to disturb- it was ace!! we all (it was me, kage, jack, fozz, vic, john and their friend catherine) had to pick three songs for everyone to dance to. Mine changed like 1000 times before we actually got there an ended up being 'What is love?' by Haddaway (i love this song so much kage used to play it everytime i came back from uni!), 'Dragonstea Din Tei' by Ozone (and freaked vic out cos i knew all the words!!) and then 'Scatman' by Scatman John (TUUUUNNEEEE!!!). we danced for like 2-3 hours non-stop, some amazing choices made by the others were 'Larger than Life' by the Backstreet Boys, 'No Good' by The Prodigy and 'Logical Song' by Scooter :D

As midnight approached we had the tricky task of deciding what song was gonna bring us into a new decade- Vicki geniusesly chose 'Rollin' by Limp Bizkit, and we all set about rockin' our way into 2010 :) then for the rest of the night we spent dancing, me and Vic harmonised to Phil Collins, Beyonce and Shakira and The Beatles- what can i say? we're eclectic- and then laughing at Fozz who was MULLERED. It was absolutely brilliant. His best moments were telling us constantly he was 'Gong Show' (which we assumed meant 'gone'), saying 'you're a, i don't mean it, i don't mean to be violent' and his theory of sheep, which you'll see amongst the quotage that took place last night;

John: (about Nuns) That's what they call themselves- God's whores

('Jump Around' begins playing, and everyone begins jumping, except from Vicki)
Vic:I don't jump until the chorus because i'm a purist.

('Freed from Desire' by Gala is playing)
#My love has got no money, he's got his strong beliefs#
Jack: He's got his trampoline??!!

Fozz: Right- did you kow? Sheep outnumber people in New Zealand by loads, ok-million, right? MILLIONS. And if they were clever enough, right- they could overthrow the country. And if New Zealand falls, man- then WE ARE FUCKED.

Vic: Find something that makes you FAGULOUS!!

So yeah... it was pretty fantastic :D
Panders came and picked us up at 1, and Kage stayed round Jack's so i had the lovely duty of taking care of our fallen brother- at one point when i was feeding Charlie he came and lay down on the kitchen floor, then declaring 'My face is cold'!! we sat and watched a bit of JPark- we wanted it to be the first film we saw for this decade like the geeks we are- then watched JPark3 instead. I had a few texts and missed calls from people which made me feel popular, and sat down happy as Larry with a cup of tea, basking in the light of Sam Neil and hoping Fozz didn't throw up as i didn't really feel like cleaning up other people's sick- the phrase 'start as you mean to go on' was echoing in the back of my mind...

And now everyone's round ours, and i'm feeling rather melancholy. this is because Doctor Who is on tonight, and while i'm desperate to see what happens with the whole RETURN OF THE TIME LORDS!!! situation (i'm not gonna pander to spoiler alerts- if you haven't seen it by now that means you don't care so won't care that i said what happened!) but i am going to be beyond devastated by the end of it. Kage understands- she's purposefully not going to Jack's til later so she can be my shoulder to cry on!!THAT'S LOVE, PEOPLE!!RIGHT THERE!

Oh, God, it's going to be so awful...
and if they DARE blow up the TARDIS (see here for more detail; not only are there going to be letters of complaint, but i will NEVER EVER watch an episode of Doctor Who again. EVER.


