Sunday, 8 March 2009

'Lost' is wubbish

I'm back in Canters now- oh huzzah! Things that have happened since i've been back;
-A headache developed and never went away
-everyone was asleep when i got home
-Alex came over
-Charlotte kicked me in the boob
-Charlotte told me my new shoes made me look 'special'
-It started raining
-I fell asleep (read; practically collapsed)
-I went to Woody's
-I came home
-I'm trying to stay awake

I need a new phone, it's official. I phoned Alex a while ago and he said i sounded like a robot- this is not the first time someone has said this. it's happened to pretty much everyone i've phoned over the last 2 weeks that i go all Robotronic, so i have concluded it's new phonio time. I'm gonna wait until Easter, that way i can use whatever mons i have left from the term, and hopefully i'll have my job back at Somerfield available to me- if not i'm gonna end up going to Lowestoft or Norwich for work. Yayness.

I hate the TV show 'Lost' now. I'll admit i only ever saw up until about half-way through series 2, and then got bored, but i have valid reasonage behind my hatred;

1)It confuses me. Too much.
2)It's gone on forever. JUST STOP NOW!!
3)It killed off the fittest character, Boon, within like the first 5 episodes. i cant' remember when exactly but he's dead. BOO.
4)The lead guys, despite what people say, are not attractive. Matthew Fox looks like a teacher at my old school. and that's nothing to swoon over. and that guy who plays Sawyer??i just feel like shouting "WASH YOUR HAIR!!OR BETTER-CUT IT!!!" there's is nothing more eurgh than a bloke with long hair. no wait, there is- a bloke with long GREASY hair. (shudders).
5)My friends love the show more than they love me, for example;
(I haven't seen Connie in almost 8 days)
Me:I miss youuuu!
Connie:I miss you too. gtg now though- lost is on :D bye xxx

What is that??!!!she abandoned me for lost!!!

There you have it- Lost destroys friendships. End Of.
I don't half talk twaddle sometimes.



1 comment:

MrBungle26 said...

You're wubbish!

Lost is very nearly a contender for my favourite show ever. It brings me so much joy!

Also, what would JJ Abrams say? He would just shake his head and ignore you