so yeah, so that's all done, YAYNESS...
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Countdown to the biggest night Canterbury Campus has ever seen...
so yeah, so that's all done, YAYNESS...
How low can you go?
It's 3 in the morning, and i just sat and ate a bag of chips, by myself, whilst watching an episode of Arthur on BBC i Player...
I think i need to go to bed now.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Library Antics/Charlotte's Escape from the Library
It started with me and Charlotte trying to actually get in- despite the fact that Charlotte's card has been washed, tumble dried, melted and then ironed back into a straight line with a few bumps, hers worked perfectly first time. My card on the other hand, which is perfectly fine except part of my forehead in the picture has been scratched off, wouldn't work. i stood there for almost a minute just scanning the bloody thing whilst Charlotte stood there bragging about how the machine worked for her- but she got hers in the end, as you'll soon find out
We went upstairs, walking past a bloke using the water fountain who happened to have the same phone as Charlotte, who got really annoyed at the fact he had the same phone and made a point of saying "He's got the same phone as me" in a really semi-obnoxious way to which i replied "Maybe it is yours. Maybe he stole it. THIEF" and Charlotte gave me a look to suggest shutting up would be a great idea
I went on the lookabout for some books for my Keats Essay, and sat down on the floor because all the books i wanted were on the bottom shelf and i wanted to browse through them to make sure they were ok. As i was doing this though one of the staff members came up to me very slowly, crouched down and asked "Are you alright? Need any help?" in this really patronising tone. Now, i knew i looked a state cos i had yet to shower and i was wearing my baggiest jeans and hoodie, but i swear to god this guy thought i was a mentally disabled person- the way he was looking at me and practically cooing these questions, it was so annoying. so i just turned around and went "No thanks, mate" and then shuffled off in an annoyed and embarrassed kinda way
Charlotte had had no luck in finding the books she needed, and so decided to go down to the Core Text section of the Library. we bumped into Zoe who looked fed up, and Alex who looked terrified as Charlotte accused him of stealing her books and who then pretty much ran away, which Charlotte found hilarious. I kept dropping my books, and she kept knocking them down off the shelves and putting them back in the wrong order, so i told her to stop breaking the library or we'll get thrown out- this resulted in the pair of us getting into a fit of giggles during which Charlotte snorted- i almost died from trying not to laugh
As Charlotte went to go get out her Core Text books i went into the other part of the library to get out my normal books, but the machine wouldn't accept two of them, so i decided to wait for Charlotte and then i would go get them stamped. I watched as Charlotte came through the scanner that you have to walk through to leave the Core Text Collection so they know you're not stealing books. And even though Charlotte had just checked out all of her books as she walked through the scanner THE ALARM WENT OFF.
I could hardly breathe with laughing as Charlotte's face just fell at the sound of the alarm, it was possibly the funniest things i have seen so far this term. and the best bit was she ran back in and tried to walk out again, but the alarm went off again!!!she had to go to the desk and have all of her books checked- Charlotte got put in Library Jail =]
i sorted myself out, and once Charlotte had broken out of Library Jail (AHAHAHAHAAHA) we went home, and on the way i did the perfect impression of a seagull- it was AMAZING.
Now for more workage =]
Entirely in the second person
('This thing' being today, and today being the day you get A LOT of work done)
-Take gratuitous nap in between bouts of Laundry. You're not used to be up before 11, so you need to give yourself time to adapt to this new time of the day- it's not like on lecture days because you go straight to your lecture then come home and nap. It's a new day. don't be scared if going to the shop reminded you of 28 days later- it was kinda weird that no one but the shop people were around, and that none of the machines were being used in the laundry room, but take note of this- it means you're not the only one alien to the idea of an alarm clock actually being used
-Take a shower. If you don't then you're a skank and no one will talk to you, not even Connie
-Go to the library and find the books you pre-selected last night in a random moment of forward thinking and efficiency. No, i don't know where that came from either, but let's not worry too much about it, it'll just confuse you and undo the work you did.
-Set up camp within the quiet bit of the library. This way you won't be distracted by Facebook, your blog or, your new weapon of mass distraction, Twitter. Isn't it strange how the amount you blog goes up by about 75% whenever you have an essay...weird that, isn't it? Take a sandwich with you or something to eat- if all goes to plan then you'll be there for a while...
-Write A LOT. i want at least 600 words done today, all reading included. that way you can start writing again tomorrow, and not have to pull a ridiculous all-nighter; you've had far too many recently, necessary or not, and it's not good
Right, Ready?
Random Poem Yay
It doesn't have a title by the way cos i can't think of one =]
The night's a funny colour
all dusky, orange, tinged
with false identity
like the glow from the street lamps
that shines and mocks the distant sun.
The streetlamps, they hide
the real colour of the night-
they hide the stars too though i wish they wouldn't.
The first star gives you a wish before
it's joined by the others and
disappears into the mass
no longer lonely, now completed, no longer special,now the same.
As special as any other star could be.
The breeze smells faintly of the wet grass and
petrol as a car speeds past and
scares the rabbit by the road.
The smell rolls through my window,
open and forgotten,
and snakes under my curtains to find my face,
my nose, my mouth
and tickle my lashes.
I restfully nudge the pillow beneath my sleeping head,
a soft moan escaping as i turn
away from the cold towards my room where
the light of my alarm
seeps through my closed eyes and tricks my dreams
becoming part of the adventure.
The alarm light turns to the beams of the speeding headlights
And I am the rabbit, disturbed in my peace.
i really like it-Yayness for random poetry shizzle =]
nite nite
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Centurion; The most evil game ever invented? I'd say yes.
I went round Lypeatt to play Centurion for the first time ever- i was a bit nervous because everyone i know said i would be sick and get utterly gazeboed. they weren't wrong either. It was a ridiculously funny night- everyone was all hyped up at Ted and Cruden being back, and just started being silly. the plan was to take a picture every 5 shots, but this didn't last very long and ended up with pictures just being taken all the time. i dread to think what they look like. eepatron to the max extreme.
the others went to the lighthouse, as did i but they wouldn't let me in because they said i was too drunk- they made the right choice, and i owe them big time otherwise i would've vommed in the middle of the lighthouse- bad times. i fell over on the way home and my elbow is really mucked up- i can't even lean on it, or move my arm very well. my knee is all scraped up as well, but it doesn't hurt too bad. not as bad as my elbow. all the way home i kept worrying that i'd lost my phone whilst walking about because it wasn't in my purse- it was in my pocket the whole time, and it wasn't until i pulled it out of my pocket to PHONE someone and tell them i'd lost my PHONE that it struck me just how drunk i was. i vaguely remember getting in, and the first thing i did was put my bin next to my bed i know that much- it was probably the best decision i made that night, the worst one being to play Centurion in the first place. i dont think i even got my pyjamas on, i just got my jeans off, fell on my bed, threw up a lot (mmm how classy) and then passed out still wearing my hoodie. And this was all by 10:30pm - NICELY DONE.
i woke up this morning at about 9 thinking i was fine- but then i tired to get out of bed and my whole body was completely dead weight, i couldn't move, and thought i was going to be sick again. i phoned my dad and told him what had happened, and then fell asleep where i had a really REALLY disorientating dream where i was sitting in my living room back home ,hungover and laughing with the others about the state i was in- it was so real, and then i got woken up by my dad phoning to check on me, which confused me even more! i've been having loads of dreams recently where i'm at home, or i keep waking up in the night thinking im in my bed at my house in Beccles, and i don't know why. i can't wait to go home though, it's gonna be great
i don't feel half as bad as i did this morning- im kinda woozy, and my body still feels all heavy and sluggish. there was loads and loads of random items from around the house in my room, which i'd obviously moved there last night but can't remember doing so- my glasses were also in the kitchen, and i have no clue how they got there. im gonna go get another cup of tea and then maybe do some work, if i can. i might write up some more of my story...hmmmmm
Monday, 23 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Epico Weekendio
Ok, where to start??
Friday 20/02: Not much happened during the day- it was reading week for my Post War European cinemas module, so i didn't have to get up at 7:30 in the morning- result!! I had an amazing lie-in and then went about my official business of wasting time on Facebook and generally being lazy =] I had my Narrative Theory seminar at 4 though, so eventually had to leave the house and (shock horror) go outside- on the way though i went to the clothes shop on campus and bought myself a burgundy University of Kent hoodie, which is now my favourite item of clothing ever- it's so comfortable it's unreal. i bloody love it- i haven't really taken it off since i bought it. well, i have when i've showered and stuff, because otherwise that would be tres stupido
My seminar was excellent, as usual. Matt made us do this exercise where you write down a load of words and then turn them into a story- mine somehow turned into some mafia-based church corruption tale so go figure. i also found out my half-a-short-story assignment isn't due in for the 27th feb, but the week after that- SWEEEET. so now my workload for Reading week has gone down from 2 essays and half a story to just the 1 essay- nicely done. hopefully this means i can be more efficient and take my time over the romanticism essay- although we all know that what will actually happen will i'll be working til 3 am, and would start my 19th birthday desperately trying to write a conclusion =]
On the way home from the seminar i got a text from Alex, who's in Nottingham visiting his girlfriend at the moment, simply saying "I just saw the chinese version of you. I thought you should know" and that was it- it really, really made me laugh when i read it, so i thought i'd put it on here
Me and Connie made Chilli that night and it was SPECTACULAR. we are geniuses. this was followed by some lovely cookie dough ice cream, facebook searchage and trying to work out what to wear for Mungos. i wasn't gonna go to Mungos, and was under the impression no one was, but earlier that day Connie phoned and asked if i wanted to do pre-drinks before Mungosing it up, and when i said "are we going then?" she just went "yeah" as if it was the world's most stupid question- i now realise that it was =]
Mungos was pretty epic, as usual. everyone was very pushy-shovey though, and the place was PACKED so it made for some uncomfortableness, that's fo' shizzle. i bumped into Ben Parry and his friends Sam Squire and Josh quite a few times, and after being almost shoved over for the umpteenth time decided to take them up on their invitation of going elsewhere- we only ended up standing in the courtyard in Elliot, but we had a proper good laugh just standing about chatting, and i met a girl called Becky who does exactly the same course as me, even down to the Creative writing part- i was proper like "woah, no way", it was so good!!i then vaguely remember getting a text off of Emma asking if i wanted to go to a foam party at a gay club- i pretty much just went "DO IT" and so had inadvertently made plans for the next evening- sorted. i went home at like 2 ish, and watched my favourite episode of One Tree Hill before curling up into a ball and sleeping until 2 the next day...
Saturday 21/02: One week until my birthday and i was EXCITED. I checked my Party event on Facebook and saw that 43 people had confirmed- GOOD LORD IT'S GOING TO BE EPIC. Nothing much happened again- i had been texting Emma about the foam party and was getting overtly excited about it; it would be me, her, Ankur, Mark and Justin. I finished reading 'Breaking Dawn', which is the last in the 'Twilight' series of books, and it was incredible!!!i cried so much!! i then went for a really long wander, which ended up with me on my favourite bench watching the sun go down behind me. The sky was absolutely gorgeous- it went all these pastel colours and really reminded me of those sweetie necklace you used to be able to get that have all the pastel coloured sweets on- it looks exactly like that. I sat there until it got pretty dark and the Cathedral looked amazing. i started getting shivery though, despite the presence of my hoodie and went back home. Connie came over again, and as i was reading a load of articles on she reminded me that the time was 7:30- i had said i'd meet at Emma's at 8. OOPS.
I got to No.29, which felt weird cos i'm so used to going to No.28- I think Lypeatt is now officially my second home- and found Emma in a panic about what to wear- doing my girly duties i helped her pick something out ,and then we set about leaving a suprise for the upstairs lot in 28 who are all away. i can't write on here what it is in case one of them sees it- but i wish i could be there to see the looks on their faces. It'd be fantastic. i took pictures though, so i'll put them up once they're all back
we got a bit carried away with the time though, and realised we were probably going to miss our bus unless we legged it- which we did!! we literally belted down there, and only just got on the bus. me and Emma were all out of breath and eurgh, but it was worth it- until Mark started trying to take pictures. NOT FUNNY AT ALL.
When we got there i was a bit worried about ID and stuff, but they accepted my Citizen Card, and let me in =] yayness. Me and Emma were ridiculously excited- the place was pretty awesome, and they sold cocktails!! We were both really happy because in the space of one night we had accomplished 3 things we had never done before; gone to a gay club; gone to a foam party; had a cocktail. NICELY DONE!! we started dancing, and then they moved us all into the other part of the night club where the foam party would be. the music was excellent, and even Justin, Mark and Ankur started dancing after a while!The cocktails hit me and Emma pretty hard, so we were singing at the top of our lungs and acting out the words of the songs- we're cool like that =]
Pretty soon the foam started up. and it was AMAZING!!!!!
Seriously, we had an incredible night. The pictures are seriously awesome!! it was fantastic, but after a while the music started getting a bit rubbish and it all slowed down o we left, soaking wet and more cold than i can ever remember being before- we got a taxi home from Westgate in the end, but it was worth it. I went back to Marley for a lovely shower, but as i walked into the empty, dark house i couldn't help but wish i lived with the others so that i could carry on hanging out with them that night. I love Marley and the people in it, but sometimes i do think it would be cool to be with those guys. After a lovely LOVELY hot shower, a cup of tea and random converchats with people on Facebook i went to bed at about 6 ish and didn't wake up until 2 the next day...
Sunday 22/02: 6 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!GET IN!! and then i'm off home for a week, to spend some times with my wonderfully wonderful famille. i'm so excited to see Kage again and talk about the twilight series, it's gonna be awesome. I'm not feeling very well at the minute (and no, i'm not hungover!) and i was supposed to be going to the pub quiz with Ben and Sam and stuff but i can't :( but every cloud has it's sliver lining, and mine happens to come in the form of Connie Keen and a brand new episode of 90210- SWEEEEET!!
right, i'm off- time to maybe do work. maybe =]
Saturday, 21 February 2009
I am a firefighter
After making a nourishing Brinner (Breakfast-dinner) of Scrambled eggs on toast i completely forgot that i had left the hob on and carelessly threw my tea-towel onto the hob, where it consequently caught fire- i fought back though, using the well known technique of screaming "TEA-TOWEL FIRE!!!!!!OOOHH MMYYYY GOOOOD!!!!!!!" and picking it up and throwing it in the sink, where i turned the tap on, and the fire was magically erased- YAY!!!!!!
The kitchen stinks of burning though...AH WELL!!
What with this occasion and the rescuing of the bin last term( i declare that I am officially a firefighter. Nicely done.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Amy and her "Ahh"'s
It started with her telling me about her Personal Study, which is this stupid thing you have to do for History A Level where you make up your own essay question and then do all of the research in order to answer that question- it's utter honk, believe me. anyway, she was telling me about how she can't find this quote about how Balfour hated Lloyd-George so much that he defaced every single picture of Lloyd-George he owned, which we both agreed was some quite hardcore hatred really, and i said how when i had written mine i hadn't numbered the quotes properly and had to spend 3 days going through the quotes i had written down and then finding them in the books to which Kage said "If that had been me i probably would've thrown up"- this is what i love about Kage, she always says stuff you would never expect, and i love it. i laughed so hard
We then started talking about an episode of Cash In The Attic she had seen this morning where the people on it were Naturalists trying to start up a naturalist camp in Spain. i couldn't stop laughing at the idea of 'Bare Arse' being shown on 'The Attic', and laughed really loud- this is when Kage told me that our new phone at home does this thing where if you are too loud it beeps at you and that the phone had beeped when i had been laughing- nicely done =]
Katie then told me something that i thought i would die from laughing at- Lorne Spicer, of 'Cash In The Attic' fame has gone bankrupt. i couldn't stop myself, tears started rolling down my cheeks as both me and Kage cackled down the phone at the idea of how ironic it was that the woman with no money was helping others get money, and that she'd probably stolen some of the stuff in their house and their money.FUNNY AS.
We started talking about me coming home and i kept doing this thing i do where if i'm really excited about something and can't think of the right word to express myself i go "AHH-" and then say the word, but i couldn't stop doing it cos i just got so excited- I said to Kage "i kept doing this last night on the phone to Dad" and Kage just started laughing and said "Yeah, but could you imagine if you were talking to anyone else???I mean me and Dad know that you do that all the time, and we know what you mean, we know it means you're excited cos you go "AHH-it was epic", but to anyone else you'd just be making random noise!!" and then i went "Ahh Kage- i can't wait to go home" and we both realised what i'd done and started laughing. Kage then said it's even funnier cos i always tut before i do it and i just went "ahh-" and then burst out laughing which made Kage laugh cos she said i had laughed so hard the phone had beeped so i went "Ahh" and then it had gone BEEP!! really loud!!!we were gone.
i swear i have never noticed before but the more i think about the more i realise i do it all the time!!i'm just not very coherent =] but it's true. i just wonder if anyone else here has noticed it...Oh Kage...she does make me laugh
But yeah- i'm going home for a week after my birthday. the olds and others are coming up on the Sunday after my birthday (on the Sat) and then i'm-a-goinga-homeio. YAYNESS!!i cannae wait
right- gotta go do some reading for my Romanticism seminar this afternoon- fun times.
Ahh Romanticism. What a load of old Honk.
Things to do;
- Start work on Romanticism Essay
- Start work on Short story
- Clean up bedroom
- Sort out money issues (and no Amy, singing that "Money Money Money" song by ABBA doesn't count- no matter how much you love it)
- If you get reading for a seminar, how about you actually do it?Can't hurt to try, right??
- Wake up before 11...just an idea...
- Start writing stuff in your diary rather than boring your friends
- Perfect the art of 'staying healthy'
- Lose weight. DO IT!!!!!!
- Be more careful with your stuff
- Have a good 19th Birthday (11 days away!!ARGH!!)
- Stop going out so much- 1 to 2 nights a week should be enough!!and if you say you're staying in for the love of god stay in!!!!!
- Finish 'Breaking Dawn'
- Start reading 'Frankenstein's Monster'
- Start reading 'Confessions of an Opium Eater'
- Talk to your future housemate, Laura, more
- Generally sort out your life
If anyone can think of anything else don't hesitate to tell me- i need all the help i can get
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Leave this to the Embarrassment experts.
I got to tesco, yay for food shoppage, and readily filled my basket- it was ridiculous how much was actually in there!!!i bumped into Alex, who'd just had his hair cut (IT LOOKS FAB CRUDEN STOP WORRYING :D) and he made me proper jump, the bugger. i carried on my shopping, filled my basket higher than should be legal and then got to the checkout.
As i stood behind a man who smelt like sawdust i started rifling through my purse trying to find my card- and i noticed that my best friend in the whole world, Mr Barclays Debit Card, wasn't in there. that's right- i had left all options of payage at home. I HAD NO MONEY. It such a stupid thing to do!!! a kind tesco lady saw i was about to have an embolism-of-shame and took me to one side saying she could hold the basket for a bit while i tried to find some money. as i ran out of tesco i bumped into Alex again, on the verge of dying of humiliation and i said very quickly "Iforgotmymoneyihavenomoneyohmygod!!!!!!!" before running off in search of some English Benjamins.
I got to Natwest and desperately threw my card at another kind lady who told me with a sad face that i only had £5 left in my overdraft- cue tears welling up. i was just so mad at myself and ashamed!!!i cry when i'm embarrassed. which never counteracts the embarrassment, believe me. as i was about to flee home i got a call off of Alex, asking if i was ok, to which i think i just cried "NOIHAVENOMONEEEEEY" and then he said he could lend me the money!!!RESULT!!!i WAS SAVED!!!!!!!!
and so, very sheepishly, i got my basket back, and paid for my stuff. :D cheers muchly :D
i'm going out tonight to the UV rave at the Venue, but i dunno if i can be bothered to go all out- i kinda want to, but i don't have anything to wear!!!ARGH. i hate it when that happens. at times like this i wish i were a bloke- they can just chuck on any old hat and it just doesn't matter
righto- i'm off to find a tutu. god help us.
Brian: What are you playing?
Tim: Tomb Raider 3.
Brian: She's drowning.
Tim: Yeah.
Brian: Is that the point of the game?
Tim: Depends what mood you're in really.
Brian: What sort of mood are you in then?
Tim: Well, I got a letter from my ex-girlfriend this morning, 3 months too late, explaining why she dumped me. It was full of 'you'll always be special' and 'I'll always love you' platitudes designed to make me feel better whilst simultaneously appeasing her deep seated sense of guilt for dumping me, running off with a slimy little city boy called Duane and destroying my faith in everything which is good and pure.
Brian: So it didn't really work then.
Tim: No, it made me wanna drown things!
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Unnecessary All-Nighter
i wasn't gonna go out last night-i was going to stay in and do some English work (GEEK), but then i got a text off of Alex asking if i wanted to go to the Lighthouse with the others for F.T.S.E, which is like this stock market type thing where the price of drinks goes up or down depending on the rise or fall of the stock was kinda crap, didn't really work and the screens kept shutting down, but we all managed to get a lot more drunk than i think any of us had planned to- especially me, cos i wasn't going to drink at all- my Romanticism lecture was at 9, and i wanted to be good =]
So yeah- everyone got very VERY drunk, particularly Ankur and Alex, although Alex was not as bad as Ankur- Ankur went MENTAL. it was hilarious. we stayed at the lighthouse dancing until it closed which was i think about 2am (I had completely forgotten about being good at this point- lecture be damned, we were having a fab night!!!) , and then decided that we should continue drinking and partying- uni life and all that jazz, you know? we went to Hannah's where me, Hannah, Mark, Ankur, Alex, Colin and Kevin carried on drinking, facebooked it up a treat and generally chatted rubbish- it was brilliant =D
at about 4am ish, i think, Alex turned to me and said "Our lecture is in 5 hours" to which i replied "Is there any point in sleeping then??" and we both decided, quite tipsily, that it would be an amazing idea to stay up for the rest of the night!!why not?? so we headed back to his with Colin and Mark in tow, Ankur had left Hannah's a bit early, where we played Portal for a bit- well, i tried to play it but ended up just getting confused/bored/annoyed and so handed it to Alex. I started feeling very VERY tired then, and so i got a cup of coffee, and then we decided to watch 'In Bruges', because i'd been meaning to and Alex loves it. only problem was by this point (It was almost 6 i think- the sun was coming up) i was EXHAUSTED. i fell asleep pretty much as soon as the film started, but Alex took great pleasure in repeatedly clapping in front of my face to wake me up- he laughed EVERYTIME. it wasn't even that funny!!!we then tried some methods in order to wake me up, which including Alex slapping me a couple of times- which i swear he enjoyed far more than he should of, the bastard and then he suggested he throw a glass of cold water in my face- cue us standing in his bathroom and me getting absolutely SOAKED. my hair was ruined, and when i asked if he had a hairbrush he replied "i use nature's brush" and combed his hair with his fingers. you can imagine my face was a picture of happiness.
We ended up watching 'The Naked Gun', which was bloody hilarious, and i loved it, and then went to mine just before the lecture so that i could sort myself out. we both seemed ok, and quite awake and stuff, but then when we got into the lecture theatre it all just went downhill- i actually thought i was going to die. it was one of the longest hours of my life. Alex had to nudge me to wake me up once, but i think we both did quite well not to collapse in a heap. It was awful.
On the way home we both concurred that we would never do an unnecessary all-nighter again; it just didn't work out!!i didn't go to the Narrative Theory lecture at 2, and i shouldn't imagine he did either. when i said by to Johnny outside my house he said "i just don't understand why you did it" and i aid "To be perfectly honest Johnny, i don't think i do either"
It was worth it though- last night was one of my favourite nights since i've been here, definitely- the lighthouse was fantastic
Nicely done =]
and i'm going to a toga party with Jimmy tonight- it's all go when you lead the Rock'n'Roll lifestyle i do, that's fo damn shizzle
Monday, 16 February 2009
(A noise so overtly excited and happy it cannot be put into words that exist)
Can you believe how incredible this looks???I mean, it looks so incredible!!!And STEVEN SPEILBERG IS THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER!!STEVEN F**KIN SPEILBERG!!!
i would have out up a youtube one but the only ones they have are rubbish- the trailer above is the official business
This is amazing.
Easily one of the greatest trailers i've ever seen.
Oh my god.
It's ridiculous that i love Transformers this much. Oh my god...i can't stop saying it this is so stupid.
i'm gonna watch it again...
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Managers position at Aldi
Me:I'm shopping at Aldi tomorrow Kage- it's the lowest of the low
Kage:Ah - don't worry though G, If you don't make it as a teacher, which you will, don't worry, then Aldi, if you've got a degree and that's ANY degree, will give you a manager's position at Aldi for £40 000 a year.
Me:Well, thanks for that Kage
Kage:G, don't thank me now, you can thank me later
I love that girl so much. bring on my birthday =] =]
A Ted-Tastic Night
Me, Alex, Ankur and Mark went to the library to print off loads of pictures of Ted's face to make Ted masks- me and Ankur both forgot our Kent ID Cards, and the grumpy library man wouldn't let us in, so we went and sat on a bench outside- the bench was in honour of Kent's 40th birthday, and had a time capsule underneath it, and Ankur concurred that we had now become part of the time capsule. I've never really spoken to Ankur before, and we had ever such a nice chat on that bench- he's ridiculously funny; he was telling me about how one time he went into campus watch and asked for a job at like 3 in the morning. Epic.
When we got back me and Alex set about creating the Ted masks- i put one of the cutouts on Alex's pillow and it actually looked like Ted was in his bed. Then i got shot by Ted Bauer;
After more Ted-Related Antics i went home to find Charlotte had created the most amazing dinner ever- i can't even remember what it's called but it was LUSH. I went back to Lypeatt for The 'Ted without Ted' party and what turned out to be an incredibly dramatic game of 'Ring of Fire' commenced- DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. and i though Marley Court was the only place with drama
We all decided to go to the venue, with Ankur declaring he would pay for everyone and everything under the sun- if we were all complete bastards we would have been like "Ok!" and Ankur would have lost A LOT of money. but we're not bastards- so it's all good in the hood =]
The venue was pretty good, They had this thing where the boys and girls are all given a number and if you find your number you win stuff- Emma set about finding her number, and it was so funny- she was proper dedicated!!BUT SHE FOUND HIM!!!and Ankur later found his- and then Mark found his!!!I DIDN'T!!!so gutted!! We lost Alex, and set about finding him, but he'd gone home, and then Justin left too, so it was just me, Mark, Emma and Ankur- we had such a laugh. we went to 'The Kitchen' where me and Emma tried to sing along and eat at the same time and consequently choked at exactly the same time, which made us laugh even harder and choked more =] we looked so classy
on the way home me and Emma and were singing pretty much anything we could remember, and Mark kept trying to make us sing Queen, but we couldn't remember any. GUTTED. i went back to Lypeatt and got my stuff, went home, was on Facebook for far too long, and then went to bed =] i woke up at like 1- I'M SO LAZY!!!!!
now i actually have to do stuff. meh. I've been listening to 'Incredibad' by The Lonely Island this morning- it is bloody brilliant. EPIC.
Nicely done =]
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Tarantino gets me all excited
One side of me wants to say PHWOAR, thank god it's finally coming out( How long has the film world been waiting for this??Like, 10 years or something??) , but another side of me is a tad worried- It looks pretty epic to me although Brad Pitt's voice annoyed me, but what if it isn't as good as it should be????Epp.
Oh,and bye the way yes- That is Eli Roth as Sgt Donnie Donnowitz. He likes to kill Nazi's with a baseball bat.
I hope this turns out to be good...
Mungos isn't a RIGHT, it's a RULE
what an amazing Mungos. There was Music, drinking, dancing and drama- what more could you want???Me, Connie and Claire had such a laugh- we went with Richard and Rosie and them lot,and it was epic- we did miss Charlotte though. I took a TON of pictures but then my camera ran out of battery :( GUTTED MUCHLY. I think this is my favourite pic from the night;
I absolutely loved it!it was so funny- to start with everyone was like "Put the camera away!!" but after a few drinks they were all "GET THE CAMERA OUT!" it was FAB.
I'm worried about my duck, Mike. He's had all the feathers plucked out of his chest :( he looks so sad. Tobias isn't being very nice to him, but the worst of them is this blue billed bastard who hangs around with the 'Other' ducks, and he picks on all three of them- even Shelley. He is a right wanker, and i think he's the one who's been doing over Mike. LEAVE MIKE ALONE!!!!!
i'm gonna go do some work now =] I know, i'm shocked too!!
Friday, 13 February 2009
I should get a medal or something
I don't know why i'm bragging though, evidently my sleeping system is severly out of wack...there was some nice sibilance going on there for a while..
Oh well- onward and upward!To go to my Post-War European Cinemas Lecture/Seminar from 9-11!! even though i didn't see the film cos i missed the screening to go and sign my house contract...hopefully i can bluff =]
although i should point out my first attempt at writing 'NICELY DONE', before spellcheck looked a lot like this;
=] today is gonna be FUN!!!!!
HEheheheheheheh!!!!!! i reckon all of this weeks mucho sleepage has caught up with me and now i need no longer sleep!YYAYAYAYAYAAYY!!!!!!
i'm gonna watch more ER =] or Top Gear...i dunno...
Thursday, 12 February 2009
I'm sorry Richard
Love you lots =]
Valentines Day blues 2 days early
Random reporter:"And another record broken by Amy Victoria George, who is alone on Valentines for the 19th year in a row!Impressive stuff Amy- But do you think you'll be able to make it your 20th next year?"
Me: "Not if Matt Bellamy comes to his senses. "
Sigh. Woe is me. Unlucky in Love. Alone again. and all that other slash-my-wrists-and-call-me-Judy gubbins.
I'm not really all that bothered by it to be honest- it's not the single-ness that bothers me, more the overbearing and unnecessary sympathy you get from those in couples- you know, like when you bump into them on a night out and this conversation happens;
(About the following Conversation; single people will have had this happen to them so many times in their lives by now that they will be able to predict the exact way the conversation will go and so prepare themselves readily enough so that they don't get annoyed and punch someone in the face)
Boring Couple:Hey!
Single Person:(Thinking 'Bloody hell'):Oh hi!how are you?
BC(looking dreamily at each other):we're fiiine
SP(Looking annoyed):Well, that's good then- Yay for fine-ness, right?
BC:And who are you out with tonight- Anyone interesting for us to meet, or are you by yourself?Like last year?
(Why do they make it sound like 2 questions- just in case you can't remember you were alone last year.they might think you need reminding. that's considerate of them!)
SP:Nope- just me
BC(Simultaneously getting sympathetic looks on their faces and getting a sing-song baby voice on):Aww, well, don't worry, you'll find someone
SP(Gritting teeth together):Uh-Huh
BC(still with voice and look):Yeah- and there's always next year!We might even know someone who we could set you up with if you like
SP:Er, no, i'm al-
BC(interrupting):What about Darren from the office?Yeah, Darren's a lovely chap-
SP:Darren got arrested for attempted murder-
BC(interrupting):Ah, we haven't seen him in ages!wonder what he's up to these days?
SP:he's in prison-
BC(interrupting):we could sort you both out no problem, What's your number again?
(The single person walks away. the boring couple don't even notice as 'Their song' comes on and they begin to dance)
It's happened to the best of us.
I dunno. I just figured that there wouldn't be a three year gap in between my last relationship i suppose. Pfft. Ah well. Relationships can't be all that great, can they?It's like a friendship, except there's an entirely new set of confusing and irritating rules and regulations that never make sense to the other person, and end up with arguments galore. unless you are like my younger sister Katie and her boyfriend Jack (who i set up by the way- nicely done) who've been together WELL over 2 and a half years now, and coming up to three, and who never argue, except over useless crap that they don't even remember the next day. those two have got it good. I suppose i miss the fact that i don't have something like that, but at the same time the only relationship i've ever been in was utter crap so how can you miss something you never had, right??
Woah, deep and moody stuff. i sound like some whining, angsty teenager...
Enjoy =]
Tired and hungry for bacon
I am SHATTERED despite having slept for a peaceful and un-interrupted 10 hours. Pfft. SORT IT OUT GEORGE. I think it's because i'm not eating enough. food supposedly gives you energy, right? i mean, i eat but it's usually only like a meal a day and then just stuff like occasional slices of toast. sometimes i have two meals. i can't remember the last time i ate breakfast, but this is because i usually wake up at like 12 or 1, and when i do get up at 7:30 i have a lecture to dash off to. hmm. maybe i should sort that out too...
I have seminar today from 4-6, but it's my romanticism one so SNORE. not only is it gonna be tremendously dull but the girl who pulls her lip and makes it bleed is gonna be there, plus Bainbridge wants to kill me at the mo cos i missed some seminars. EEP! ah well- i'll go to the seminar, be bored for a while, laugh with Sarah-Louise at the lip girl and smile loads at Bainbridge to get me back in the good books. everyone loves a smile. old people love my smile- back in Beccles if i saw some old person walking along and i walked past them i'd always smile and they'd stop and say "your smile made my day" AWW. but if you smile at young people they pull out a knife and shout "What are you looking at, prick??!!" so it's swings and roundabouts.
i really want a bacon sandwich. REALLY BAD. thank god i have some bacon, for once i actually have food. i've got the chance to go out tonight but i don't know it's a good idea to go out considering A)the slight and personal economic crisis i'm currently suffering and B)I have lectures and seminars from 9-11 tomorrow morning and finally C)I'm still really tired. I probably won't go out, but it sounds like fun at the venue tonight. Gutted.
i'm gonna go eat something now, and have a cup of tea to wake up a tad. YAYNESS TO WAKING UP.
The Dream
Alex says:
i have a dream..... and that dream is to get two people to dress up as them in the intergalactic video with me
Amy says:
you now only have to find one other person
at first it was all very "ahahah", but then serious discussions took place...
Amy says:
it would be EASY
Alex says:
Alex says:
and it would be AWESOME
After much deliberation about who would fill the third spot (And by 'much' i mean very little as Alex divulged in his 'man crush of the moment'. and no, not Jack Bauer as you would naturally assume) Alex sent me a picture of the dream;
Alex says:
that needs to be us
Amy says:
that's incredible
Amy says:
it WILL be us
Amy says:
hand on heart, i Amy Victoria George promise you Alex Stuart Cruden that we WILL look like that.
Alex says:
Alex says:
thank you! im half way to my dream
And so begins an EPIC journey... This is going to be RAD BEYOND BELIEF.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Pandy worry far too much
Here's something which made me laugh- i was upstairs and my phone was downstairs, and my parents kept trying to call me but couldn't get through. when i spoke to them later they said they'd called a few times. This is what i found on my phone when i looked at it.
Missed Calls:
Pandy 19:15
Pandy 19:16
Pandy 19:18
Pandy 19:36
Pandy 19:42
Pandy 19:44
Oh Dear. This is like the other day when i had switched my phone off because it ran out of battery, and my ma completely freaked out and told me if i didn't keep my phone on all the time she would buy me another phone to keep on all the time, either that or i give her my housemates numbers so she can ask where i am. i told her neither were gonna happen
Pandy are always with the worrying, they need to chillax
I'll stir fry you in my wok!
I've had a fantasmagical day today- except for this morning at about 6 when i woke up ridiculously thirsty and felt like i was gonna be sick. i drunk vodka for the first time in MONTHS last night, and i remembered why i had given it up- the after effects are most definitely not worth it. my head hurt so bad it made me dizzy...or that could've been that i still felt a little under the influence =] anyway, i downed about 4 glasses of water, took another to bed and chucked a couple of Nurofen down my throat- i awoke at 11 a little sick but the headache had gone!huzzah!!i still felt ridiculously ill though :S
after some drama at the bank, including me discovering that i had gone to the limit on my overdraft (eep-i had thought that i had a £1500 overdraft, but i didn't-it's only a £1250 one. bad times) i went to the house where i got there a tad early but it was cool- i hung out with Ed playing guitar hero =] that guy is legend. he lives in the house that me and Laura are going to move into next year at the mo, and today was the day that i signed my contract for it!!!it's official!!i am no longer houseless =] i then went into town to sort out my Natwest gubbins, and completely forgot to text both Emma and Alex like i had promised. eep. i got home and ate something (FINALLY!!i was starving cos i hadn't eaten ALL DAY and it was like 5:30 by the time i got home) and then went into my room where i fell on my bed and fell asleep. i mean REALLY asleep- i missed a load of texts and calls again, i'm such a loser. i dunno what's going on with this sleep thing at the minute, but it's starting to bug me.hmm....
YAY!!Britney Spears just came on!!'Overprotected'- that's old school Britters. nicely done. I do love her- i really REALLY want her album but i haff no moneys. at all. as proved today by the overtly smug man who works in the Natwest branch on campus. Grr i didn't like him at all. fair enough it's not his fault that i can't count, but there's no need for him to be so ungracious. but it's ok- karma will take care of that :P
right, i'm off- gotta go do some reading for tomorrow. it's my romanticism seminar and i'm dreading it. i hate romanticism and that girl who pulls at her lip is in my seminar still. urgh. oh well- Shelley here i come =]
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Charlotte, in a vain attempt to keep me awake because i wish to sleep, has hidden all of what she deems my most 'precious' things- this includes my phone, my bag and also a book and stuffed toy. and my david tennant figurine. she's not far off on that one actually, i'm quite worried about him
OH MY GOD.Charlotte has just said about my David Tennant figure in a sleazy tone "you don't know where i've hid him heh he he" i suspect he is somewhere near her underwear drawer, seeing as i told her specifically not to put anything near her "bras and shit". Yay.
all i wanted to do was sleep!!is that such a crime????
apparently, yes. yes it is.
Charlotte, what do you have to say for yourself;
you snooze you lose!!!
this from the girl who was trying to explain to Connie the saying "If you ASSUME you make an ASS out of YOU and ME" but instead said "You make an ASS out of ME and YOU". Charlotte made a new word- ASSMEU.
Connie Keen's quote of the day;
"I love the beach, but i hate sand"
and Connie's advice on how to lose weight;
"My nan got diabetes and had to stop eating sugary things and she lost loads of weight- i wish i had diabetes."
So there you go- to lose weight you must first gain diabetes.
My lectures today were good in the hood. nuff' said.
I'm going to a party tonight, i was offered the choice of either aforementioned party or a 'Mamma Mia Night' with Connie, Charlotte and Richard and Emma. I chose the party. Charlotte says "Bitch"; i say "Genius".
tomorrow i isgn the contract for the house-yayayayayaya i'll have a house!!yay!!
I'm not drinking tonight- it should be quite funny though, laughing at everyone else as they get steadily more and more drunkard.
Charlotte:"It's no fun being the only sober person Amy, Trust me"
Amy:Charlotte, i'm curious as to how you would actually know that, to be honest"
Charlotte:"OI!!i was sober on friday"
Amy:"That's only because you got bored."
Amy:Meh. Let me sleep.
Charlotte:No, Piss off bitch, find your stuff
Amy:You didn't steal anything that i immediately need
Charlotte:You might need your phone, in case Loverboy phones. Speaking of which, we saw boring Dan today. Connie said he had a big head. She made me stop at the end of the path so she could see him.
Amy:....You both just stun me sometimes, i swear to god.
There ya go
Thank you and goodnight.
Amy:It's a fucking figure of speech Charlotte.
Charlotte:I don't care in your case it's probably true.
Amy:Not with you around it's not.
Charlotte:Good. I'll get Connie to shag you
Amy:(Makes startled scared noise)
Charlotte:(Laughs evilly)
Monday, 9 February 2009
Ribena Sparkle is a SHAM
whenever i go to the essentials shop in Parkwood i almost always, no matter what else i buy, get a can of sparkling Ribena, because not only does it have that amazing blackcurranty ribena taste, but it's FIZZILICIOUS.
So imagine how gutted i was yesterday when i started drinking my can of FIZZY Ribena, only to discover it wasn't fizzy. i read the can, thinking maybe i'd just gotten it wrong but NO- it was supposed to be sparkling, BUT IT WASN'T. even though i felt terribly let down, i let it pass.
But guess what??
It's happened again today.
My Ribena sparkle has no bloody sparkle. it should be called 'Ribena Sparkle- now with no sparkle, so as to destroy the magical whimsy of young people everywhere'. I know that that probably wouldn't fit on the can, but it's the truth, goddammit!!
pfft. SO annoyed.
mostly for my sister Kage- i actually thought she was going to cry when i told her- she was shaking. having said which knowing Kage, which i do, she is probably crying right now, over her Blink 182 shrine. not that she has one of those...not at all =]
oh yayness!!!!!YAYNESS TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!
We were ROBBED!!!!!
I heard some banging in the kitchen, but thought it was Charlotte letting Greg in or Claire letting Jimmy in, but NO!!IT WAS BURGLARY!!
*//Charlotte says:
we've been robbed
Amy says:
does it strike you as slightly ironic that i now can't sleep...
Amy says:
wait, what??!!!
*//Charlotte says:
I went into the kitchen
*//Charlotte says:
and it had been blocked by chairs
we went into the kitchen and saw that Charlotte's water filter is gone, as are Jimmy's Roulette game and shot glasses, My pasta and a load of food from my cupboard has been taken, Jas and Charlotte's bread is gone and some milk
what a random selection of items to steal. they didn't even take any of the expensive electrical stuff. maybe they were really drunk, or high and had the munchies.
Now i'm all scared. i'm on the ground floor next to the kitchen. i hope no more thievery occurs. hopefully Dick the Police Detective Gnome will protect me =[
My neighbour David pointed out the other day that i had spelt Gnome wrong when i had written it on Dick. i have spelt it 'Knome' for some reason- i was quite taken aback
Sunday, 8 February 2009
My new official slogan is "and then i fell asleep".
This is SO ANNOYING. i have WASTED a day. i was going to do so much today i had loads of stuff planned but NOOO, i just HAD to keep falling asleep. this sucks, i feel so lazy.
pfft. i'm gonna a try and watch a film, and then i'm going to bed.
Grr. i am SO annoyed at myself. and i had like 5 cups of tea and a cup of coffee today- and nothing!!stupid caffeine fail. stupid sleeping. stupid me.
I like to sleep
That was an EPIC sleep...
WOW i feel like crap. i didn't get to sleep until just before 3 because my housemates were playing music REALLY loudly, which i don't mind really cos it was a saturday, but it bugged me a tad. only cos i was so tired.
i'm actually gonna go back to bed- my head feel like someone stepped on it. someone large.
I've come over all Mary Poppins
1. A full bottle of Bulmers Original Cider
(The fact that it managed to stay full is nothing short of a miracle)
2.Some deodorant
(I don't have a terrible B.O problem, i promise, i just got changed round Connie's...well, i hope i haven't anyway)
3.Key Rings
(I had to take them off to be able to fit my phone and my keys in my purse, although it didn't matter in the end because i forgot my phone)
4.A notebook full of scribbled ideas
(I find my imagination is so large i have to chuck some of it in a notebook =])
5. A Sharpie Marker Pen
6.This month's copy of 'Empire Magazine'
(I always carry the new issues around with me for about a week after i buy them.i'm not sure why)
7.A solitary sock
(It was a brown and pink and white striped one, if you're interested. i'm not sure why it was in there, i think it must have fallen in)
8. My make-up bag
(I got ready at Connie's)
9.Some matches
(I'm a secret pyromaniac)....(Not really =])
10.Some plasters
(Those who know me well will understand this one perfectly- i am THE MOST accident prone person in the entire world. Plasters are a NECESSITY)
11.A spare pair of tights
(See above- they always get ruined when i-inevitably-fall over something)
12.A Smaller bag
(This one really is pointless)
13.My Karl Lagerfeld Perfume
(It goes with me EVERYWHERE)
14.My glasses in my glasses case
(In case i decide to read the copy of 'Empire')
15.My purse
(For obvious reasons)
I'm not sure how that all fitted in my's not an especially big is new though, and GORGEOUS, i LOVE it.mmmm pretty bag =] i bought it and my ma and pa said they'll give me the money for it and it can be a birthday present!!YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!
Saturday, 7 February 2009
"Some men just want to watch the world burn"
I'm now totally absorbed in 'Breaking Dawn'- it is possibly my favourite so far of the 'Twilight' saga, and i cannot believe some of the stuff that has happened in it so far!!those who have read it/are reading it will know what i mean- i seriously was not expecting what happened to happen!i love it when a book catches you off guard. i hope one day something i write will catch someone off guard like that
Connie came over this morning at about 9, because she wanted to say bye before she went home. she's such a legend that girl, and she was on fine form the night before!!i can't remember seeing her that drunk before, EVER. it was epically funny =] i left my hairbrush in her room though, and now i have no hair brush- i look like Diana Ross circa 'Chain Reaction'. Bad times.
I just watched 'The Dark Knight'. that film has so many epic quotes in it, i can't get enough of it. it's like the pinnacle of screenplays- the story, the lines, the adaption of the comics and graphic novels. my best mate back home, Jack Galer, is THE BIGGEST Batman fan i know- if there is anything you need to know on Batman he knows it. since he was a kid he has obsessed over the comics, the novels, the figures, the films and he says basically that The Dark Knight IS Batman. I'm not into the whole comic-collection scene, and have to admit that aside from discussing the actors involved and their previous roles i know nothing, still, of Batman and all that jazz- but i do know that those films, both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, are incredible. If you combined Jack's knowledge of Batman and my knowledge of film then you would have a seriously awesome combination. and in both our eyes Christopher Nolan can do NO WRONG.
i don't know what everyone else is up to, but i'm just sitting in my room, having some much warranted alone time. it feels good, although i am missing my family at the moment, especially Kage who is now into the 'Twilight' books as much as i am, maybe even more. i can't wait for my birthday now- not only are Kage, Fozz, Jack, Mum and Dad coming to visit, but my friend Gina is staying over the weekend, and is gonna be there for my party!!!i'm so excited!!and then the week after that i'm visiting her in Essex!!YAY!!going back to my roots, ahahah. although there is no way i'm going near Basildon, sorry Dad. =]
i'm gonna go now, i may even go to sleep, cos i am absolutely exhausted. or i might put another film the moment the idea of sleeping is winning...I am so hardcore =]
Amy Victoria George has a house
the last few days have been HECTIC. believe me. Connie's birthday was on thursday- i got her a bracelet and a necklace =] we went to The Penny and got a bit drunk which resulted in me being more ill than i deemed possible- i woke up yesterday morning at 4:30 with a staggering temperature and could not stop sweating, even though i was freezing cold, so go figure :S
Yesterday (Friday) was awesome- I HAVE A HOUSE!!!it's with a girl called Laura, who is lovely, and it's a gorgeous two bed roomed place right in between town and the Uni, which is perfect =] it's amazing- the kitchen is fab, the rooms are fab, the living room is fab, Laura and her friends are fab- I LOVED IT. seriously, as soon as i walked in it felt like home. so next week i'm signing all the stuff and Bob's your uncle- i have a house NICELY DONE.
today was supremely and majorly runaround- i was up at 11:30, sorted myself out to meet Laura at 1, was in town until 3, came back just in time for a seminar from 4-5, got home and ate something (for the first time that day), got ready for Connie's for 8 and then left Connie's for Mungo's at 10- and that's on 3 hours sleep. which takes a lot of skill, i assure you =]
i absolutely adore my Narrative Theory course- i like the lectures (even though everyone else complains) and my seminar leader is encroyable, which is fab.
tonight was really REALLY good, despite some people. i had a huge laugh, especially with Jimmy and a girl from my old Critical Practice Seminar, and saw loads of people i hadn't seen for ages which was really lovely. and even though the night kind of started and ended on a low there is no way i'm gonna let some small minded person ruin what has actually been an amazing day/night.
i think what i love more than anything else is that if they read this blog, which they probably won't cos they take the mickey out of it, but anyway, if they did read it that small minded person will know who they are- and it will piss them of no end that i had a fab night regardless =] =] =]
i like to keep saying it because it's such an amazing, incredible, fantastic place that i still can't believe i'm gonna live there- this is EPIC!!!
i'm gonna read 'Breaking Dawn' for a bit- i've gotten to a brilliantly exciting bit- and then i'm gonna sleep- because tomorrow is Saturday and i have NOTHING apart from a small amount of work to do =]
what an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!!!!