Saturday, 26 March 2011

That Bieber effect

Me: ARGH I've got that stupid 'I want Candy' song in my head
Emma: I've still got fucking Justin Bieber in my head from where you and Jack were singing it earlier
Me: Maybe if we put some different music on, we won't have them stuck anymore. *clicks spotify on her desktop* Fancy anything in particular?
Emma: ANYTHING but Bieber
Me: *sly smile creeps on face* Wait, you DON'T want to listen to Bieber?
Emma: Do NOT put Justin Bieber on!!
Amy: I won-
Amy: *trying not to laugh* Fine, fine!! I'll just choose something different.
Emma: Amy...
Emma: Good.
Amy: So what do you wanna listen to?
Emma: Anything.
Amy: Anything, yeah?
Emma: Yep.
Amy: I know, EXACTLY what to put on *clicks button*
Laptop: *guitar chord* WOAH-OOH-WOAH-AH WOAH OH OH *guitar chord*
Emma; when I first hear it I cringe, but then the music starts up and I LOVE IT! IT'S SO WRONG BUT IT FEELS SO RIGHT!!
Amy: That's the power of the Biebs.


Friday, 25 March 2011

Sunday, 20 March 2011

A Supergroup for the 21st Century

I can see them being the biggest thing since time began. SOMEONE WRITE THESE GUYS A SONG, AND SOON.

So, I went to London Zoo yesterday

This happened;

Yep. That's my life complete now.


That time of the month

The last week has been...peculiar. My mood has fallen from it's peak to it's lowest ebb, only to crawl back up before once more crashing in a fiery blaze. I've experienced euphoria, depression, excitement, boredom, both self-respect and self-effacing. Basically it's been one shitty roller coaster ride after another and I didn't have a clue why.

At first I thought it was stress. I haven't been sleeping well either, had had some particularly crazy dreams, and my skin has turned into something you'd be more likely to find on a lizard than a 21 year old woman. I've also gotten loads of spots, which (I'm not bragging by any means when i say this by the way) I don't usually suffer from and a cold sore has magically appeared on my lip as if from nowhere.

I've spent most of today either crying or moping, feeling inexplicable exhausted, drained, headachey and generally like shit. Self-Conscious does not even BEGIN to describe my current state; a strange and mild case of agoraphobia has kept me house bound, and right now i would be very happy if no one from the outside world ever saw me again.

After finishing the two-hour marathon of '4 in a bed' on Channel 4, i sat with my notepad in front of me, trying to figure out something to write, and failed dismally. Writer's block is not uncommon with me; my creative ability is a temperamental bastard. However, I always get the job done eventually, so i don't usually worry too much if i can't write at a specific time. But this time? This time i got frustrated and just ended up crying for about 20 minutes straight. Imagine the scene; several cups of tea lay around me, and i'm tucked up on my sofa in pyjama bottoms, a baggy blue t-shirt of my dad's that Ma accidentally put in my suitcase and entombed in a massive pink blanket, sobbing heartily, with a notepad covered in pictures of muffins with cute faces open to an almost blank page with 'I CAN'T WRITE ANYTHING BECAUSE I SUCK' scrawled over-dramatically in the middle of it. That, my friends, is me.

I've been trying to think about why all this could be happening. yes, i'm stressed but i've had more things on my mind than this before and been fine. Yes, I have a lot of work to do, but I've had far more work and far less time to do it and been better than this before. So what on earth could the problem be?

then it hit me. I scrambled for my phone, lost in the pink blanketness of my situation, and looked at my calendar. Yep, there it was, in pixelated colours of blue and white; My period is due.

At this point in time the guys who read my blog are going to recoil in horror and probably declare 'ARGH TMI, AMY' and then run away from their screens. Alex has told me before that whenever i mention i'm due on he always gets the bloody door scene from 'The Shining' come into his head.

But i find this majorly annoying.

The female menstrual cycle isn't the most delicate of situations, I'll admit. and no, it's not the most delightful thing to think about. but that's all men have to do; THINK about it. If men actually had to endure the genuine agony of a menstrual cycle, i wonder if things would be different?

Women are claimed to be weaker than men. We are told than we aren't physically as strong as them, and then they are just in general, braver and stronger than women are. But hang on a second; if you actually took some time to understand the severity of the physical process and the effects that going through menstruation actually involves, and then consider that this happens once a month, every month, for the majority of a woman's life, then i'm sure we'd realise women's bodies are a hell of a lot tougher than most people think. The process of childbirth alone puts the greatest amount of strain a human body can probably ever experience, and yet some women go through this process over and over and over again. And yet men's bodies can't, and don't experience any kind of stress even close to the act of carrying a child and then giving birth to it.And yet they're stronger? Men can certainly life heavier weights than women, yeah. But as for saying they can work longer hours or deal with more stressful situations...a woman grows and carries another human being inside of her for nine months. it's not a part-time job, and it's not one where you get breaks. It's constant, and takes endurance and stamina and bravery that i doubt most men could deal with.

All of the problems i've experienced and listed at the top of this page, are all as a result of my time of the month being due. So those things happen to me every month. I'm not ashamed of talking about it, and i don't think any woman should be; sure, some people are gonna think this is too much information, but it's a part of mine and mostly every other woman's life, and it shouldn't be seen as something embarrassing or something to be judged by. We experience a massive physical event that changes our bodies dramatically, and that takes its toll. So no, i'm not embarrassed by it. I embrace it, and swear about it, and bitch and moan to my friends or on Twitter about it. But i still deal with it.

This blog is not me having a go at men; not in the slightest. I am very blessed that most of the men in my life do not believe that their sex makes them better than me, or any other female. But there is no man in my life that doesn't recoil at the sheer mention of a period. I'm simply asking that the next time you freak out about it, and go on about how gross it is, consider how that might be making the woman feel, that you're addressing. No, (hopefully) you're not directly labelling her as gross; but she will be in an emotionally fragile position wherein that is already how she will feel about herself. So try to be more understanding and accommodating.

And the next time you consider yourself to be stronger than a woman, think twice; because whilst you're ogling at a woman for her breasts, bum, hips and face and considering her to be a dainty figure that needs protection, you must also remember there is a lot more to the female body than that which meets your eye.


Saturday, 12 March 2011

How to make a Victoria Spongecake

I made a Victoria Spongecake :D


Friday, 11 March 2011


Incase some of you don't know what's happening, here's a video to help fill you guys in

And here's an article:

You can donate to Red Cross Aid Here:

the reason i'm writing this blog is that I can't afford to donate- but i'm hoping maybe by posting this someone who's unaware of either what's happened, or that there's somewhere you can donate money will realise and do so.

My thoughts go out to those, and the families and friends of those, affected.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011


The last three weeks have been blissful. I cannot remember the last time i felt this happy, and had so much love and appreciation for my life as it is.

And yet there is a slight feeling holding me back; I purposefully stop myself from getting too excited at the prospect of new opportunities and experiences, and have actively avoided telling people how happy I am.

You see, I have this really weird superstition which means I believe if I get excited about something, or am made happy by something, and then I begin talking about it to people, then that will jinx it, and from there on in it wont be amazing anymore, and nothing will work out the way I had hoped it will.

I know that this kind of reluctance to share is as stupid as the guilt I feel if I stay in bed past 10:30am. If I find myself still lying down at 10:30am I am wracked with guilt for the rest of the day, and push myself to do more things to make up for my laziness. Even though, really, I know it's not lazy; I'm a 21 year old student who has the opportunity to stay in bed 5 days a week for as long as she wants to. and that that kind of freedom is not going to last much longer- when I finish uni and finally get a job I won't be able to stay in bed for as long as i like. So in the same way I know it's stupid not to take advantage of my situation every morning, I know it's stupid to not want to tell people i'm happy when that's all I am.

The thing is, the last few months of Uni have been rough. And if you'd told me a month ago how ludicrously happy I would eventually feel then I probably would've laughed in your face! So I wanted to write this so that I cant hide behind my silly superstitions anymore;

I'm a very, very, very happy girl at the moment. I love my friends, I love my uni work, I love my Uni life, I love my home life, I love my family and I'm finally getting on with myself a bit better than I have been of late. And I know that by admitting happiness, I am not ridding myself of the right to be happy.

I know there are people out there who have been worried about me, and that they will read this and feel more content. That's not me being big headed- that's just my friends and family being so amazing that they care about me that much.

I don't really know what I was ever afraid of. Being 21 suits me just fine right now.



Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Video Blog!

It's weird seeing myself on Youtube. Enjoy.
