15:54 pm
Ok, so I've gotten myself into a truly horrific and awkward situation, from which there is no feasible way of sparing what little dignity I have. This- this needs a back story.
BACKSTORYLast term a friend had a Birthday Thing. At said Birthday Thing I was introduced to a guy who (and I'm not being an egotistical prat when I say this) obviously was into me, and very quickly began chatting me up. I was not interested. I could not, actually, have been less interested if I had tried. This isn't anything against the guy- just because I didn't find him attractive doesn't mean that other people wouldn't. But he was the polar opposite to what I generally find attractive in a man. I felt bad- he was really trying. Maybe a little too hard, mind; I hardly got a word in edgeways. Also, in flat shoes I am 5'2". This guy was shorter than me, and considerably older. I think it's hugely hilarious on the part of the universe that the only man to have found me attractive in over a year turns out to be shorter than me. Wonderful. In the end, I managed to quickly and successfully evade his company by going to the bar. And that was that.
Oh Universe. You're so hilarious, aren't you? 'Cos guess what, folks? I'm currently experiencing what the french call 'Le most fucking embarrassing moment of my life ever'. I was holed up in Rutherford bar on campus, trying my hardest to get through Nicola Barker's "five miles from outer hope". Due to hunger, I was forced to move from my humble abode- My tummy had the rumblies only an overpriced sandwich from the campus shop could suffice. I decided to take advantage of this change of scenery, however, and head towards the library cafe for a quick coffee, before heading to the silent section on the third floor.
When I got into the library, I bumped, literally, into the Birthday Thing guy, consequently dropping both books and sandwich. Hastily picking them up, Birthday Thing guy took the opportunity to begin berating me with so many questions I felt as if I should've had a bright light shone into my eyes. After dutifully answering all of them with as little wording as possible, I felt rude not to enquire as to his own well-being. About 20 minutes later he finally stopped talking. Then the following exchange, during which my ability at digging myself into a hole was at it's peak, took place;
BTG (Birthday Thing Guy): So, what you doing now?
Me: Er, just eating my sandwich, then-
BTG: Well, if you're taking a break you should sit with me-
Me: Er, I'm not actually taking a break, I'm just-
BTG: (completely ignoring me) Yeah, I'm just set up over there *points to various seats*, so just go sit down and I'll-
Me: Well, actually I-
BTG: Be back in a mo- I just have to make toilet
Yep. He actually said that.
'I just have to make toilet'Leaving me completely baffled, he strode off towards the men's loos. I, now utterly confused, walked into the library seating area, and glanced over at the direction in which he had pointed. I had two choices; I could either A) be the world's biggest bitch and flee from the library itself, never to appear again, OR I could B) go and sit with him and be trapped there indefinitely. I, however, chose the invisible and unclear option of C) quickly speeding off into the library cafe, and sitting down
around the corner from where he was sat. The reason this option was invisible is because it's also stupid. Of course, I didn't realise that until about 5 minutes ago, when I finished my sandwich and then saw that in order to leave the library cafe, where I couldn't work, and go the the silent section as planned
I would have to walk past him. By this point I know he has sat back down and is probably thinking 'Cor, what a bitch, to have just left without saying anything' because why on earth would anyone sit around the corner from the person they're tyring to avoid? The only exit from the library cafe is through the seating area; I now have to leave by walking past him. What do I do?? Do I do A) the sensible and adult thing, go up to him and calmly explain that I wasn't taking a break and didn't see the point of sitting with him whilst I ate? Or do I do B) the responsible and potentially embarrassing thing and explain to him how I didn't feel comfortable sitting with him for fear of leading him on and tell him I just want to be friends??
Oh god, I have to move now. The waitress in the cafe is looking at me funny because I haven't actually bought anything, just sat here desperately scribbling into my notebook. Here goes.
I chose invisible option C) Childishly run through both library cafe and seating area, without looking back, and diving through the door, bolting up the stairs to the third floor silent section.
Oh life. You fail.