Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Video Blog 3


Friday, 26 June 2009

The Amyprentice

I was on The Apprentice today. Kinda. At work Gav said he had a special job for me to do- his motives are somewhat questionable sometimes so I was a bit apprehensive as to what this ‘special’ job could’ve been, but thought “Meh. Beat’s facing up”. The job was that he gave me a trolley stacked with stock and i had to sell as much of it as i could before my shift finished at 5- i started selling at 1. To start with i was absolutely mortified, which wasn’t helped by Ben, Georgia and Gav all hanging around trying to see how i was gonna go about doing it. I found it cringe-worthy to be standing there going “Hello, can i interest you in our special offers?” but Gav said he wanted to see how capable i was, so i persevered; First things first i felt the need to come up with a motto that would keep me going when even the old people looked at me judgementally- ‘WWSASD’ What Would Sir Alan Sugar Do?. Once this had been established, every time i felt a slight twinge of embarrassment i would shout at myself in my head “WWASD” and then all embarrassment would be replaced with an overwhelming sense of sales capability and pure London grit. I imagined Paula and Tilly behind the till to be Nick and Margaret- (it was hard, seeing as neither of them warranted the honour of being such a necessity in my now overtly Sugar-Laden world) and started trying to sell. At first i wasn’t very good, and was a bit mumbly, but after a while i started being more confident and had no problem at- apart from the fact no one wanted to buy anything. Well, i say that- i did sell some stuff to start with but mostly i just got looks of confusion and annoyance, and was repeatedly asked questions such as “Where’s a good place to buy postcards in Beccles?” and “Where are the nearest toilets?”. i felt like saying “I’m not bloody ‘Tourist Information’” but i figured just because i had now embraced the spirit of Sir Alan Sugar this didn’t permit me to become blatantly rude to people i didn’t know and so instead pointed them in the direction of both the Old lady who sells postcards in her little shop and also to the public toilets whilst praying to god that the old man who smelled like stale bread and spoke to my breasts wouldn’t confuse the two.

After an hour i really felt like my attempts to sell were falling flat on their Sugary arses. There’s a wonderful mental image. Anyway, i went to go find gav and tell him things were going a bit not good., but he told me to keep on it and move if i felt like i needed to- so i did. And i sold TONS. I WAS ON FIRE!!!! By the time my shift had finished i had 5 items of stock left, and had done myself proud. However, i was also absolutely shattered- so tired in fact that towards the end instead of saying “Can i interest you in any of our offers today?” i kept saying “Can i offer you any of our interests today?” and after my shift ended, as i was leaving, Ben gave me some baskets to put at the front of the shop and as he handed them to me i said “Would you like a bag?”. He simply smiled and said “I think someone needs to go home now” and i stumbled out of the shop, where i waited for 10 minutes for my dad to pick me up before remembering he was doing an SA and in fact wouldn’t actually get home until gone 6.

And that was first task on ‘The Apprentice’ complete- i’m hoping next week i’ll get to invent my own toy or choose merchandise to sell to buyers. Or maybe, just maybe, i’ll be put behind the tills for 4 hours straight, with no seating and an endless line of grumpy, smelly customers waiting to tell me i’ve packed too much into one bag and demand a bag for almost every item. If i’m lucky ^^


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

I am not a fan of dogs.

See, this is why i prefer cats so much more to dogs.

our neighbours dogs have been barking now for about 3 hours- constantly. seriously, they have not let up. and he has 2 Alsatians and a Labrador; THESE ARE BLOODY LOUD DOGS. it's so annoying!!! Cats meow and riaow until you feed them, or fuss them and then they shut up!!!but dogs? oh no- dogs just don't stop.

AND my dad got bitten by a dog yesterday whilst on his postie round- the bloody thing has left puncture marks in the back of his legs. and the owner didn't even fucking care!! How ridiculous is that?! Dad said she just went "Oh no, don't do that" to the dog, but didn't come and get it- she just let it stand there biting my dad. stupid bitch. my dad's got all bite marks up his legs now, it's a joke.

I hate dog owners attitudes as well. they seem to get it into their heads that if their dog attacks you it's somehow your fault- a few years ago on my way to school i was walking past a man who was walking his dog and the dog suddenly went for and got hold of the sleeve of my jacket and started yanking at my sleeve and growling- i was terrified!! and then the bloke, once he'd gotten the dog to let go of me, had the nerve to say "Well, you shouldn't have walked so close to him- he tends to bite people" to which i replied "And you should have a muzzle on him, if you know he bites!How am i supposed to know he bites?! Read his mind?!" and he stood there going "It's not my fault" . Well i can't see how it was mine!! Oh, no, wait- i forgot; It's a cardinal rule that if you see a dog being walked you're not supposed to walk past it, you have to lie out a red carpet for it's owner and then wear and suit of steel so as not to come to harm. Utter Wanker.

Another thing that annoys me is when owners defend their dogs jumping up at people when they see them- i don't care how 'happy' he is to see me, he's knocking me the fuck over!! and i don't want some slobbering massive dog in my face!! they never call them off, they just stand their laughing. i just feel like getting some really wound up raccoon and just launching at them saying "Oh look- he likes you!!" whilst they get covered in scratches and raccoon-ness. dunno where i'd get a raccoon though. Particularly a wound up one- they seem pretty chill all the time...

I know that dogs can be lovely- guide dogs are the tits, lets face it. you give a blind person a cat and the cat would watch as they stumbled into a busy road before walking away to find someone to either fuss them or feed them. but you know- the good dogs can't shoulder the responsibility of their kind all their lives. Plus a lot of the time it's not particularly the dogs fault, but their pathetic owners. But all the same, i'm just not a fan. which is a shame really, because when i was a baby we had a dog called Sam, who was my dad's German Shepperd dog he'd had since he lived in London, and Dad said that we were inseparable, and Sam was really protective of me- but he was put down when i was 3, so i cant remember him at all. the photos of him and me make me smile though.

But still- idiot dogs. Stupid idiot owners.

Ok, rant over ^^

Friday, 19 June 2009

Video Blog 2

EnjoyAdd Image


Wednesday, 17 June 2009


If you’d asked me three weeks ago “Would you rather stay at Uni with everyone over the summer or go home?” I would have gone “Home. Can I go now, actually?” No doubt in my mind whatsoever.

But now? The former wins easy. I LOVE being at home, I’m having a fab time with my family and i love them to bits- but today I’ve been missing uni far far FAR more than i ever have done. I seriously just want to go back. So much is changing next year, it’s scary but it doesn’t make me want to go back any less. Home is lovely, but there’s hardly any freedom, i can’t go out if i fancy going out, none of my friends are back from uni for another few weeks, and some aren’t even coming back, and the worst one of all is that no one from uni is here. That’s the bit that’s getting me down the most- missing everyone. I didn’t think it’d last that long- i thought pretty much as soon as i got home i might stop missing them so much. I wouldn’t stop missing them entirely but maybe the missing them bit would dim ever so slightly. But all that’s happened is the feeling has gotten much worse, which sucks just so much. Work doesn’t help- i mean money wise “Yay!” but otherwise it’s just...well i shouldn’t complain really. I’d be complaining if i didn’t have a job that’s the annoying thing.

I don’t think le famille quite get it to be honest. They can’t seem to understand why i’d want to go back- particularly ma. I can’t really say to them how much i miss uni cos i really don’t want to hurt their feelings- i really do love being at home, and just because i want to go doesn’t mean i love being with them any less but it’s just so confusing. Today has been a very Coldplay day.

And the VERY worst part of it? I’ve been away for not even 4 full days yet. And there’s three months!!


They we go. Moany overtly emotional blog of the week is finished.


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The return to Scummerfield

Oh Somerfield. Whilst i do love to complain about your blight upon my summer you are giving me wonderful mons that i can then spend on seeing my university chums. God rest ye and all that serve in you. That's sounded very dirty then. Oh my.

Yeah, so it was ok. an 8 hour day isn't the worst i've ever done- that spectacular feat goes to the time i started at 7, finished at 7 and was only given a half hour break. Bad times. But anyway, yeah- twas good. I got to see everyone again ,which was lovely. I swear to god ben must've been high or something cos every time he saw me he threw his arms up in the air and screamed "AMY AMY AMY!!!!"- even though he'd been in since 6. Either that or he fancies me. Both are probable- the latter being the most believable. I mean, it's me right? PHWOAR.

So anyways, saw everyone again, started working again;

-Number of times i tripped over the till lock; 4
-Number of times i got a cut from various pieces of cardboard, paper or plastic; 3
-Number of times i got perved at by old men; 3
-Number of times i knocked over the biscuit display i spent 15 minutes doing; 5

It was a good day. The worst bit was when blokes kept looking at my chest and then when i would say "Excuse me, can i help you?" They'd pretend they'd been looking at my badge and go "Yes, er, Amy, is it?". It pissed me off something rotten but ah well- what does it matter? Old men get their jollies and i get to imagine kicking them so hard in their jollies they cry- whilst being paid ^^

The cardboard cuts are ridiculously painful, mind

I'm gonna finish watching Iron Man with Fozzotron and then maybe watch something else. tomorrow's my day off so i get to chillax and hang out with Dad, Fozz and Eli- gonna be epic.


Monday, 15 June 2009

Best weekend EVER

I apologise in advance for the ridiculous size of this blog. It's ridiculous.

Ok, so the last few days have been HUGE. On Friday I had my last exam- Post War European Cinemas. It was only my wild module so I didn’t worry too much about revising for it. I failed EPICALLY, and left after an hour, but by that point i was past caring- me and Alex had planned an epic bout of drinking and going out and all i wanted to do was get crunk and forget the whole thing. I only had until Sunday morning to party as much as was physically possible because Beccles isn’t exactly fun city, or at least not in the sense of going out. I got to Alex’s, where we started watching Pulp Fiction (CORRRR!! film!!) and Tedworth joined us. I didn’t feel like I was getting crunk enough though, so I insisted we put on ‘Trapped in the Closet’. We watched it for a while but Ted wasn’t really into it and Alex couldn’t find the part that would get us most drunk so we decided to order pizza and play ‘Ring of Fire’. Needless to say, with just the three of us playing we got quite drunk and I ended up having to drink the King Cup. It tasted foul, but the lads let me take my time with it. I went and got changed (I looked AHMAHZING- believe me. Even I was stunned) whilst Alex and Ted started watching Live footage of Faith No More at Download; needless to say Alex spent most of this time revelling in his man love for Mike Patton whilst me and Ted argued over who was more Gangster, and which hometown was more hardcore. I started my by explaining about the crack den in Beccles and he told me about drug use back home; Alex zoned us out for the entire time and to be honest I can’t blame him- we were chatting utter shite.

We then left for The Venue, to meet up with Hannah and IT WAS EMPTY. We took a few stupid photos; I took photos of the security guards behind us and then Hannah and I had a little dance. We decided after about half an hour to just go to Mungo’s, which was considerably more packed and surprisingly the drinks were a lot cheaper. I started feeling very drunk and we had a big ol’ dance fest. At about 12 ish me, Hannah and Alex all sat down whilst Ted chatted up some young filly, and I asked Alex if I could have my camera, cos I thought I’d given it to him to look after. He said he didn’t have it, but I just assumed he was joking and trying to wind me up- it turned out he wasn’t. None of us had my camera, because I had left it in the Venue. I FREAKED. I ran straight to The Venue, holding back tears because the camera cost me so much money and I knew there would be no way i could get another one, and I knew if I had just left it somewhere it had probably been stolen by now- we’d left the venue a good couple of hours ago. I ran up to the security outside, thrust my stamped hand in their faces and pretty much wailed “IWASINHEREBEFOREANDIHADMYCAMERANOWIDONTHAVEMYCAMERAITHINKILEFT ITINHEEEEEEERE!!!!!” and they let me in to try and find it. By the looks on their faces they also thought the chances of me getting it back were pretty much 0%. I ran downstairs, and went to all the places i’d been in the venue, and then asked a security guard if he’d seen a pink camera. He told me to ask behind the bar in lost property but that he hadn’t heard anything. On my way to the bar i bumped into the security guard i’d been taking pictures of, who asked if I was ok- i told him that i’d lost my pink camera and he started to smile. He then said that he’d noticed I’d left it behind when we’d been sitting on the stools, and that his colleague had actually picked it up. I couldn’t believe it- i actually jumped up, tears welling and screamed “THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” and pretty much hugged him to within an inch his life. He went and got it, and I ran back upstairs and told the other security people I’d found it and they all cheered. Then I heard some even more exuberant cheering and saw that Alex, Hannah and Ted had followed me to the venue and were waiting for me- they couldn’t believe it either. As Ted put it, ever so quaintly, I was “the luckiest bitch alive”. Brillian . We tried to go back to Mungo’s but it was closing (at 12:30- ridiculous) and so instead we just went back to Alex’s because they all wanted some foodage. We sat about for a bit, chatting and generally being stupid. Ted accidentally called Beccles ‘Cockles’ and then ‘Sheccles’, which was very very funny, and then Hannah and Ted both went home. I stayed at Alex’s ‘til about 5 in the morning watching Firefly- which he LOVED as I knew he would- and Sea Lab 2021. All in all it was an absolutely epic night.

Saturday I went to sleep at 6am and was then woken up at 11:30 when my ma phoned me up thinking I had an exam to be woken up for. Despite the fact my exams had finished the day before and that it was Saturday. Which was great (!) I couldn’t go back to sleep afterwards, so instead got up and started hardcore packing away the rest of my stuff. This took me FOREVER and wore the bejesus out of me. I’d pretty much finished by 3 ish, and went to ArtsFest with Lypeatt & Co. It was the most utterly perfect last day I could have hoped for. We all just had such a laugh, sitting about getting drunk and chatting about the whole year. There was a big-band playing jazz and films theme tunes, and it was still warm, even when the sun was setting. I managed to hold off the tears until the fireworks display, but Hannah held my hand, Emma sat on my lap and Sophie came at put her arm around my shoulder and I just started sobbing. I couldn’t stop- it was just such a perfect end to what’s been the most amazing year of my life and I really didn’t want to have to leave. Everyone got a bit upset then, which wasn’t helped by Hannah and Emma going home, but we tried to go have a dance. It was really packed though, and I kept hitting accidentally hitting people with my bag! Me, Sophie, Alex and Ted ended up walking home, although I was quite drunk so I can’t really remember the walk home. I went back to Alex’s, where we had a really amazing talk about the first year and I started crying again. He cheered me up though, he always does. We watched some more ‘Sealab 2021’ and then some ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’- I think it was the perfect send off to be honest, watching ridiculously funny shows until absurd hours of the morning. And so endeth my last day at University. Unfortunately its drunken end meant an absurdly hungover start to the next morning. But it was more than worth it ^^

Sunday came and Pandy arrived with Grandad George in tow at about 11:30. I was very hungover, but it didn’t matter too much. I said goodbye to the housemates of No8, and Connie and Emma had both come over at about 10 that morning in order to say bye. Everything was packed into the car, I took my keys and my internet cable back to Parkwood reception, and then went and took Alex back his old essays I’d borrowed. And then I was going home. I cried as we left campus; just thinking about it now is making me a bit teary. I’m just gonna miss being there so much- and as much as I’m excited to be living in a house with Laura next year at the same time it’s just not Parkwood. I then fell asleep as we left Kent, and woke up after what I thought was about 20 minutes when really it was about 2 hours and we were just outside of Blythburgh. We got home and instantly Millie was on me and Fozz and Kage were making me laugh far too much. I started getting really tired again and my throat was a bit sore and I was achey all over- twas not good. But I went and had a ridiculously long bath and then sat and had a cup of tea with Dad and I felt better

I’m back working at Somerfield tomorrow-yay. 11-7. Brilliant. Not looking forward to it, but hey it’s a job and the people are pretty kosher. It’s just the idea of work. And having to get out of bed when i don’t want to.

Me and Fozz have had a pretty awesome sauce day- I played Resident Evil for the first time EVER and although to start with I wasn’t very good I got the hang of it eventually- it was pretty epically good fun. AND I only screamed once! Go me! I proper got into it though!!I reckon next term I’m gonna be bugging Alex to let me play on it. I should practice, get REALLY good and then come back and open a can of Whoo-Ass on Fozz and Jacky Boy. :O PLAN. I then blasted some Tomb Raider out for about an hour- stick with what you know ^^

Fozz has been making me laugh almost constantly. Here’s an example of why;
Fozz on why X Box Live is brilliant;
“I went on GTA on X Box live round Eddie’s, and went into some American people’s game and just started cooking some fools (killing people) and ruined their game, and they started going [puts on whiny American accent] ‘What are you doing? Why would do that, man?’ and I just said ‘I can’t understand you’”

Beth came in and the first thing she said to me was “I had a dream your Dad was on fire” which was just typical. We then attempted to impersonate Seals for about 5 minutes before Fozz pointed out the noise we were trying to make it was what Sea Lions made. Vic and Eli came over to say hi- he has grown up so much in the last month its unreal!! He’s SO big, and just talking all the time! It’s brilliant. We just had a huge thunderstorm here, and as a result Vic, John and Eli don’t have any power in their house, so Vic and Eli are coming here to stay tonight which should be interesting!! Seriously, it was huge. I’m off now though- gonna go get a cup of tea and chillax for a bit with Ma- She has a huge HUGE phobia of thunderstorms so she’s a bit shook up at the minute so I’m gonna go take of care of er9ui8- sorry; Millie just walked across my keyboard!!! I meant ‘her’. I am actually gonna have to go now she’s climbed onto my chest and is using my breasts as a rudimentary shelf. Brilliant. S’laters y’all


Friday, 12 June 2009

By the by...

Yeah, forgot to mention earlier, me and Alex are doing a blog together. Should be pretty awesome sauce, it'll basically be us writing shizzle each day and then setting tasks for each other to do, which we then have to talk about in the blog.

NOW before any of you (ie Pandy) worry that i'll neglect this blog i- wait. i dont like that sentence. i sound high off myself. hang on.

I'll still write this blog, even though i'm writing the other one.

There. Much better ^^

Right, i'm off. i have an exam tomorrow at 2pm so i cannae stay up. Night y'all


Thursday, 11 June 2009

Empty Room

So my room's now empty, aside from stuff i'm gonna be using in the next couple of days. I know it seems kinda early to pack, but after my exam tomorrow im going out, so i wont have any time to do it then, and on Saturday i plan to not be in a fit state to pack anything other than ibuprofen in my mouth ^^

My room is very echoey now it's empty. it's kinda surreal- the walls have been bare now for about half a day, and i think that's actually the longest time since i've lived here that they have been. I stuck up my posters before i unpacked my bags when i moved in- i've got my priorities sorted- and now there's nowt on them. I have had a little cry, about 10 minutes ago, on the phone to my dad. He asked me why i sounded so fed up and my voice broke when i said "It's just so empty" and then i cried a little. Charlotte came in and chatted to me for a bit. she finds my room very strange now, as does everyone. We discussed what we would do with £80 million (in reference to the Ronaldo scenario); i said i would put half of it towards searching for and discovering the real Bernard's Watch, and then use the other half to buy it. Charlotte said she wouldn't leave Uni, and we both agreed we'd spend our money on persuading our seminar leaders to give us Firsts.

I'm kind of semi-revising for Post War European cinema. i'm in kind of a weird mood though, it's all very lacklustre. i'm not grumpy or anything, i'm just...quiet. Which is stranger than if i were moody. Me being quiet is like Real Madrid trying to justify spending £80 million on a man who can kick a ball about well- it just isn't going to work and will never make sense.

Claire just looked into my room and said "I don't want to go in it. it's too weird". Seriously, it's kinda freaking me out!!It's like a dead zone now. i'm sitting in a room with nothing. well, i mean Dick's here, as are Orange Ted and Purple Dog but other than that...


I don't want to go


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Videeo Blooog


Tuesday, 9 June 2009


And so in roughly 9 hours and 13 minutes time the dreaded Romanticism exam will begin. I cannae really remember the last time i was this nervous about an exam. It probably doesn't help that i have to get up at 6:30, because like a complete retard i forgot to have a shower- How stupid is that? I mean, who forgets to clean?! I wish there were a way that people could just wake up clean. Or that i could have a nice relaxing bath. i'd rather have a bath then a shower. Much more cosy. Ok, i'm gonna stop talking about baths and showers now

I'm hoping i can blag my way through romanticism, but i really don't know. i know a lot of people have been saying "Oh i haven't revised that much" but seriously, when it comes to not revising much i am Queen. which is not something i'm proud of. I think more than anything i'm kinda disappointed with myself. my parents always told us "Just do your best-that's all you can do" but i haven't done my best. at all. and now, because i didn't work even half as hard as i should of i'm now freaking out, and i have absolutely no one to blame but myself. i'm such an idiot sometimes. i dunno what's wrong with me- i've never been work shy before. At A level i pretty much disappeared for the three months beforehand, just from revising. But this year? i dunno. next year has to be different. it will be, i'll make sure of that. I'm just really really disappointed with myself.

and now i'm going to try and at least get a little bit of shut-eye. tomorrow's going to be a very busy day, and the way i've worked it out the schedule only leaves about an hours worth of napping time- but i severely doubt i'll actually be able to nap anyway ^^ it'll become chillaxing time then. Come on Amy-Victoria; you'll be fine. just chillax. BREATHE WOMAN BREATHE!

Favourite conversation of the day;
Me: Hey dad- you know how our seminar leader said "Oh yeah, you can't write on the subjects you wrote on in your essays?" Turns out we actually can. which means i read Frankenstein for nowt. ANNOYED.
Dad: Well look at it this way- you read another book!


Night y'all. Good luck to everyone examining it up a treat tomorrow ^^


Monday, 8 June 2009

Reasons why

Reasons why i'm fed up;
-Romanticism exam tomorrow morning. I'm so under prepared i'm surprised i can actually spell Romanticism
-No matter how much revision i do today i wont learn anything
-I'm going home in less than a week, meaning i have to say bye to everyone and i have to pack up all the stuff in my room :'(
-i still have a TON of stuff to do before i go home
-After romanticism i have to start watching those European films again. (YAWN)
-Romanticism exam tomorrow. I know i put it before, but it's epically shoddy

Reason's why i shouldn't be fed up;
-In less than a week i get to see everyone back home again. This almost makes up for the not seeing people here thing
-Summer holidays!!
-I have my job back at Somerfield
-I probably wont fail Romanticism

I cannot wait until tomorrow is over.

sigh at the stupidly useless bloggatron


I have a semi (live blog)

07/06/2009 The Library

Arrgh nooo. Revision. I'm in the library at the mo, catching up with Cixous and Wollstonecraft. It's so much fun i can hardly contain my emotion. I came here with Connie, Emma & Charlotte but they all went to a computer section- i have too many books (NERD) so i can't. I'm sitting in the silent section where the English books are- I DON'T LIKE IT. I usually go on the third floor to the HUGE silent section. i wish i had, the chairs here are so retarded- the seats lean backwards and the backs curve- WHAT KIND OF A CHAIR IS THAT?? pfft. Not impressed. AND i can't move now, cos Con said she'd meet me here. So not only am i revising, but i'm revising AND getting back ache.
I Moved ^^ much happier now. comfy seating ftw! i saw Emma in the computer bit, but she looked like she was proper hardcore working so i didnae say hi. Hope she doesn't mind. Right- back to woooork. The Apprentice final tonight- Magaret's leaving so potentially last Magaret involved show :'( . May go back to Library afterwards......
Grr, i keep getting distracted and day-dreaming. Somewhat ironic, considering one of the things i need to revise is Freud's article 'Creative Writers and day-dreaming'. According to Freud day-dreams stem from past memories of what you never had resurfacing in the present to project a wish for the future- basically you day-dream about things you wish you had. They also fall into 2 topics; Successful daydreams and Erotic ones... Freud's a little bit mental, but i spose that makes sense.
Hey! I remembered all of that without looking at my notes! YAY! ^^
There's some absolute wanker trying to flirt with the girl sitting infront of me. We're in the SILENT AREA dumb-ass. If he bangs/ shakes the desk one more time i'm definitely going to get more annoyed and write it down. i would say something- but he's doing quite well, don't want to ruin his chances...
There's also a bloke in here with shockingly blonde hair and a massive black beard- and he doesn't appear to have dyed either. How strange
The girl gave the guy her number! Yay! Now he will leave and i can revise peacefully.
He still hasn't left. Douche-Bag. The girl looks like she might regret giving him her number.
They both caught me staring at them. In my haste to look nonchalant i knocked over my water bottle, dropped my pen on the floor and lost the page in my book. Dammit.
Mary Wollstonecraft-done AND done. Let's read some Burke.
Scrap that. Let's Cixous it up a treat with 'The Laugh of the Medusa'. Doesn't sound very funny to me.
Right. Wasn't expecting that.
"This practise, extraordinarily rich and inventive, in particular as concerns masturbation, is prolonged..."
(Ahem) I've come over terribly English now. Oh well- onward and upward.
DAMMIT!! i keep reading and then my mind just floats off on a complete tangent. STUPID GIRL.
"The woman who writes cuts herself out a paper penis". Brilliant.


Saturday, 6 June 2009



It's going to be truly epic.

SEE- i didn't make it up!!!

Everyone who knows me also know i suck at maths- to a degree which is quite ridiculous. It took after-school sessions 3 times a week with my maths teacher, a tutor twice a week and doing 2 hours worth of work at home everyday for 2months in order for me to get a B at GCSE- this may seem like i was going over-board but the idea of not having having to ever do maths again was such an amazing thing it made me push myself harder than i ever had done before.

However- recently loads of things have been happening involving numbers; bank stuff, house stuff, bills stuff and all that malarke, which means that i have been thrust back into the world of numbers. When i say to people "I honestly think i have like dyslexia for maths" they tell me im being an idiot and there's no such thing- it's probably more likely that i'm a tad stupid. BUT i have looked it up, and there is such a thing as Mathematical disability- it's called Dyscalculia. Here's some information on it - i will write under neath why i know i must have it;

"A genetically-linked learning disability which affects a person's ability to understand, remember, or manipulate numbers or number facts (e.g., the multiplication tables). The term is often used to refer specifically to the inability to perform arithmetic operations, but it is also defined by some educational professionals and cognitive psychologists as a more fundamental inability to conceptualize numbers as abstract concepts of comparative quantities (a deficit in "number sense"). Those who argue for this more constrained definition of dyscalculia sometimes prefer to use the technical term Arithmetic Difficulties (AD) to refer to calculation and number memory deficits."
Ok, so to start with my Mum struggles with numbers as much as i do, maybe even more, whereas my Dad is like bloody Stephen Hawking- he loves maths. So there's the genetic bit. The rest of it is perfectly true- it took me an entire week when i was younger to learn the 7x table- just the 7!!

"Dyscalculia occurs in people across the whole IQ range, and sufferers often, but not always, also have difficulties with time, measurement, and spatial reasoning"
Well that explains why i'm so damn clumsy and always bump into things- i say "I have no spatial awareness" about a million times a day.

"Current estimates suggest it may affect about 5% of the population"
Always knew i was special ^^

"In the way that dyslexia can be dealt with by using a slightly different approach to teaching, so can dyscalculia. However, dyscalculia is the lesser known of these learning disorders and so is often not recognized."
And that right there is why i had to do all the work i did at GCSE- i'm not blaming anyone but it would've been nice to know that people didn't just think i was a complete idiot, and think how much it would've helped me if they'd recognised it and taught me how to handle it. All i ever heard from my maths teacher was "You don't get it cos you don't listen or work hard enough". I HATED it


-Inability to comprehend financial planning or budgeting, sometimes even at a basic level; for example, estimating the cost of the items in a shopping basket or balancing a checkbook.
-Difficulty with multiplication-tables, and subtraction-tables, addition tables, division tables, mental arithmetic, etc.
7 x table
-May do fairly well in subjects such as science and geometry, which require logic rather than formulae, until a higher level requiring calculations is obtained
I was brilliant at science at GCSE level- i got an A in the chemistry part of my science GCSE, but when i took it at A-level, and there was a constant use of numbers i couldn't do it and got an E. It almost ruined my AS-Levels and chances of Uni
-Difficulty with conceptualizing time and judging the passing of time. May be chronically late
Anyone who knows me knows this- just the other day i was telling Alex i have absolutely no concept of time, and i'm always late
-Having particular difficulty mentally estimating the measurement of an object or distance (e.g., whether something is 10 or 20 feet (3 or 6 metres) away).
Seriously- if someone asks "how far away was it?" i have to physically show them- i can never say how far because i have no idea about lengths or anything
-Often unable to grasp and remember mathematical concepts, rules, formulae, and sequences.
-An inability to read a sequence of numbers, or transposing them when repeated, such as turning 56 into 65
-The condition may lead in extreme cases to a phobia or durable anxiety of mathematics and mathematical-numeric devices/coherence's
I haven't got a phobia, but the "durable anxiety" bit is spot on- Maths and numbers freak me out and upset me- i get really het up and upset if i have to do maths and stuff, it panics me
-Might have a well-developed sense of imagination due to this (possibly as cognitive compensation to mathematical-numeric deficits).
I have the world's biggest imagination. Again, if you know me you'll know this- i come up with the most ludicrous things and just let my mind run wild. That's a good thing though i spose ^^

i dunno if anyone else is going to find this interesting, but i really really do- everything about it makes sense. i just like that i have an answer now. i think i should get tested for it- it might help me out in the future or something if it's been clinically diagnosed. people might be a bit more understanding then


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Exams, Muse Tickets and Shadow Spiders

Ok, so two things- No, wait three things-
1)The exam went fiiiiine so that's ok
2)I am shattered but i cannot nap AT ALL which is REALLY annoying
3)I am 45% sure i just saw a MASSIVE, and i mean seriously quite big, spider run across my wall. I say 45% because at the same time a stupid magpie flew past my window squawking so it could've been a shadow- it was going very very fast. which means, if it's actually a spider i'm scuppered-because it was massive. Damn Shadow spiders!!!

I'm writing this is the dark at the mo, because my curtains are closed and my light is off as i was trying, and failing dismally, to get some kip because i am VERY tired- a combination of getting to sleep at 2:30am, waking up at 7:30, sitting in a 2 hour exam, failing to get Muse tickets Pre-Sale tickets, crying my eyes out at an 'ER' documentary and revising in the library for over an hour has resulted in a me that's feeling ever so achey, fragile and kinda lonely :(

Sigh. There we go ^^
This blog is fairly basic. Alex is having some trouble blogging at the minute- he says he's worried about coming across as 'Boring', which is ridiculous cos I don't think i've ever heard a boring thing come out of that boy's mouth- anything he says either results in people laughing or going "NO WAI?!!" This is his blog- http://alibongo.tumblr.com/rss i suggest you go and read it and see for yourselves- no boringness there. Just a young man who occasionally dresses like a clown. AND there's a picture of him wearing clown make-up on there, but that's a different matter :P
so yeah. Frank'n'Stein here i come. after more attempted nappage i feel.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Scrap that.

Sod it. I'M GONNA BUY ONE!!!



Right-here's what i'm thinking.

Muse have just announced their European tour for the album 'The Resistance'- Tickets go on sale Friday 5th June. Because i'm signed up to the Muse fan mail list i got offered tickets in advance- BUT i'm not going to be buying tickets for this tour. Because i have a theory that, if it works out, would mean i get to see Muse at their peak. and if it doesn't work out, it'll mean i have to wait another bajillion years (ok, so it's only been three years since i last saw them, but equates, gig-wise, to a bajillion) before i see them.

My theory is thus- Muse are only going to be in the UK for 5 nights of their European tour. For a band that's renowned for it's fantastic live performances, only dedicating 5 nights of a pretty massive tour (take a look if you don't believe me) seems kinda odd. That is, until you think back to 2006, when they released 'Black Holes and Revelations;

and then performed at Reading and Leeds festival.

So i reckon what they're gonna do is be at Reading and Leeds 2010- the album, 'The Resistance' is being released in a few months time, roughly September time, unlike 'Black Holes and Revelations' which was released on 3 July in 2006- Muse then went on to play Reading. Because of the lateness of the release of 'The Resistance' i suspect Muse will be playing a BIG festival next year; normally people would say Glastonbury,(although their performance at Glastonbury 2004 i should imagine holds some horrible memories for all of them, particularly Dom Howard after his dad passed away during the set) but every Muse fan knows how much they ADORED playing Reading and Leeds- after the night of the Reading gig Matt Bellamy told NME magazine that he felt like "they'd finally made it". A band who's career has been going since 1998 only felt credible after playing Reading 2006- that's how much it meant to them. And that's why i think they'll go back again.

So i'm not gonna buy a ticket for 'The Resistance' Tour- i'm gonna save my money and then place my bets on Reading or Leeds.

And even if they don't go to Reading and Leeds-It's Reading and Leeds; Like it's gonna suck to go...


Lion King makes it better.

Listening to 'The Lion King' soundtrack makes me ever so smiley ^^ except from the track "To die for". I'm sure you can imagine what part of the film that's from...i just skip over it, to avoid Disney induced tears of despair. Cor, they don't half know how to make you cry do Disney. But at the minute i'm listening to "King of Pride Rock", but i always skip forward to 3:18, cos that's when it gets good. My favourite's either "I just can't wait to be King" or "This Land"- which is AHAMAHZINK. so there- that's all you need to know

Aerobics again this aftarnaan, which was again fabbity fab fab- except the poor aerobics lady hurt her ankle. but other than that it was as exhausting as , if not more so than, last week. Yayness to getting fitteh!!I was red for ages, but i couldnae work out if it was because i was still all "Flah" or because i have slight sunburn- my arm hurt last night, so i assume it's sunburn :S great. Factor 30 is not for the Hardcore

I must seem ever so slightly obsessed with musicals to my housemates. I mean, i am, but like i listen to the soundtracks of my faves ALL THE TIME. Craziness. CRAZAE IN MY NAZAE. God i need to stop talking like an idiot- it's just cos im all het up about exams, i swear. Most of my mates back home needed their own 'Amy Dictionary' during A Levels, which included a 'Miaow-to-stress-level' Ratio at the back...Ok, i made that up, but that would be an awesome sauce thing to own

Right, im off to go swap essay papers with Cruden in order to learn. FUN.


Boosting my ego with random scribblings

Over the past couple of months i've been randomly scribbling down little paragraphs of writage that just pop into my head- some of these random scribbles go on to become something, like a short story, or even an entire first chapter to a novel i'm still not entirely sure i'm writing. However, some of them have yet to go anywhere, but i'm still very proud of them, and know that i'll end up fitting them in somewhere.

Because i'm doing exams at the minute my confidence in my ability to write is in an all-time-non-existing-type-situation, and so reading through these little, er, 'literary snibbits' boosts my ego somewhat. when relaying this to my dad he said "Well, why don't you put them on that blog of yours? Surely that'd boost your confidence even more?"

And so, at the request of Pandy here are some of the 'snibbits'. Also i'm now in love with the word 'Snibbits'.

(All of the below, and technically everything above these brackets, was written by me, Amy, and haven't been seen before by anyone else, apart from MEIN EYES)

Aint it funny the way people react to things differently? I’ve always considered reactions to be the best way of making out what a person truly is or at least have the potential to be. They can be hugely ironic too, given the right medium. For example the might of fundamental nature, turning our world, can inspire a man to find himself, stand up and stand out, gives an essence of supremacy and stability; whilst at the same time that world turning power can haunt a person, make them meek as they try to comprehend and drive their minds to nothing but shear lunacy. A lot can be said for naturally occurring power. It’s the same with love, really- the right amount of love can make a person better than they were. But you fall into the wrong kind of love and you’ll be several shades less of a man. It’ll change your face whilst the wind is blowing, and before you know it you look in a mirror and don’t recognise the ruin that’s cracked in front of you.

Homeward Bound
Suddenly none of it made sense anymore. Why I had left, why I was still leaving. The desperation in her voice shook me and accidentally knocked open my book to a page I didn’t realise was even there- the question of why? Why did I choose to stay away from the ones who needed me the most? What sense did it make, no matter how many happy times you have away from them they’ll never equate to the times you had with your loved ones; a funny occurrence away from them would be hysterical if only they were there to share it. A moment of sentimentality becomes wave upon wave of emotion as soon as they draw near. I’d made up my mind before I had even hung up the phone- I mean, like Dorothy said “There’s no place like home”, right?

The first thing I noticed was how quickly it had grown dark. The artificial daylight of the streetlamps coated everything in a bronze overtone and hid away the real colour of the night, and I realised that maybe standing in the middle of a suspiciously quiet road at – Damn, it was 11 already? When had that happened? Anyway, it wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had. I walked for about 10 minutes until I reached the high-street and started to look for signs of a bus shelter, or a train station, a taxi, anything- anything that would bring me closer to home, and away from the rambling drunks now stumbling toward me. I veered away from them, it wasn’t hard, ignoring their half-hearted attempts at roadside seduction – Mmm, classy- toward a takeaway outlet that, whilst to me looked dingy and in serious violation of every single health code, the drunks seemed to be flocking towards, as if it was some neon accented Mecca.

Something to be said
There’s something to be said for falling for the wrong person. For a start, it often involves wanting what you can’t have- a twisted reflex that lives within the best of us. When the object you lust for is simply an object, such as money or a car then the pain of not getting want you want has more to do with jealously than anything. When it’s a physical person, someone who you wish you could reach out and touch or kiss or hold either for the first or last time that’s when the pain becomes more than a shallow emotion and more of a physical affliction. Love makes us irrational, makes us believe in things that will never be, and even when everyone else around you is in utter disbelief that you have those feelings to start with to you it makes sense. Imagine how awful it is when the stupidity is held in the fact you’re not together, not that you love that person in the first place. Imagine how awful it would be if the only person you wanted to realise how amazing you would be together is the only person who doesn’t. Imagine finding someone who you believed to be the pinnacle of everything you wanted, and then being told you couldn’t have them. Then imagine being told that they’re not who you thought but not being able to pull yourself away.

I'm really proud of all of the above pieces. There's tons more, but they wouldn't make as much sense in this kind of singular paragraph situation- they need to find themselves a home amongst some of the other drivel that falls out of my mind ^^ Maybe when they've found that home i'll show it on here


Monday, 1 June 2009


So apparently i've become an expert in the art of tight destruction. i wouldn't mind so much, if it wasn't for the fact a pair of 2 cost £6 a pack- that's money not well spent. example- i bought these tights less than 2 weeks ago- they are both kaput. Which means i now have to buy more. which is really great.

I've come with an idea of what to do with all the pictures and stuff i have in my room and on my pin board- i was gonna buy a photo album, but i've decided instead to buy like a big ol' plain-paged book, and turn it into like a uni scrapbook- i obviously wont fill it with all the stuff i've gotten this year, but i'll keep it as like a documenty type thing for my whole uni life. well, i'll attempt to, i'll do it really enthusiastically for about the first week of holiday, and then i'll become obsessed with some useless television show, that'll end up taking over my summer and i'll come back to Canters in september and people will say "So what'd you get up to over summer?" and i will say "Somerfield"


(Do you know what that is my friends? Karma. My Karma is finally working itself out. Hey, maybe i'll get a reversal of the last 19 years worth and end up with a flying car that travels through time!...No, wait...That's Back to the Future. Sorry ^^ well, the poster IS right infront of me)

When Kage said she had good news for me and then told me that i actually did a little jump in the air and squealed slightly, shouting "YAYAYAY!!"- i gave the people outside the laundrette quite a turn. they probably thought i had esploded

The other day, saturday, was pretty awesome sauce- here are 10 things that sum up saturday perfectly (because i'm lazy and cannae be bothered to describe everything)
1) Sunnilicious perfect weather
2) Lyppeat Crew Rule
3) Ribena
4) Getting stuck in a bush whilst retrieving a ball (read into that what you will)
5) "Simon Cowell MUST be high"
6) Tourettes Documentary Drinking Game
7) #"I'm a Kniiiiife. Knifin' aroouuund. Cutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcut#
9) Venue
10) I watch 'The Office' for the first time EVER. with chinese subtitles.

it was grand.

right im off to chillax
